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I honestly was surprised to say that we made it through the first night with having grace in our home with us. It didn't go at all how I imagined it to be with Grace being a smiley baby and happy that she had this new room. Niall and I didn't get to place a sleeping baby into a crib on our first night of ever having a baby to ourselves. It wasn't a peaceful night's sleep for any of us. 

It wasn't just the fact that I was a little nervous about it. Even before I picked Grace up, who was not having it all, I knew that I wasn't going to be sleeping very well. I was going to be up all through the night, wondering and worrying if she was all right in the room that she would be all alone in. Something just didn't sit right with me about taking her away from Louis and then placing her in a room where she would be all by herself. 

That means while Niall was in our room, listening to Grace crying and me attempting to soothe her through one of the baby monitors, I was sat in the rocking chair. At first I had held Grace in my arms, thinking I would rock her enough until she drifted off because she had to be tired of all of the crying and screaming that she had done. That didn't work so I put her back into the crib and I sat back into the chair and waited until she decided that sleep was a better option for her. That didn't work either. At that point I was hoping Niall would come into the room and do that map thing that I imagined would work. I was wrong again. 

When Niall did finally join the two of us I, apparently, had fallen asleep on the floor. All I was trying to do was lie down and show Grace what it looked like to be asleep. That got her to stop crying so I thought that it had worked. I didn't remember a thing after that, until Niall was gently nudging at me to wake up. 

The first thing I thought about was Grace and Niall knew that because he brought his finger to his lips and whispered to me that she was asleep. My relief wasn't too rewarding because I felt like I was already failing at all of this. It hadn't even been a full night and I ruined Grace. I couldn't wait to tell Louis just how much of a terrible job we were doing. 

I wasn't really going to tell any of that to Louis. I knew that this was also his first night without her. He probably wasn't getting much sleep himself. I didn't need to worry him and tell him that Grace was being fussy with us because the truth is that we didn't know what the hell we were doing. 

Niall told me that the both of us should head back to sleep in our room but I was against that and told him that I was going to be spending the night on the floor where I was. He argued with me a little bit, telling me that I couldn't complain to him that my entire body was aching or anything. I told him that I wasn't going to be doing any of that.

Now, it was morning and Grace was wide awake and my entire body felt like it had been aimlessly thrown around. I wished that I didn't promise Niall that I wouldn't complain. I stood up slowly, wincing every time I felt sore, and put on my best smile for Grace.

She was standing up in the crib with a worried look on her face. Her nose was bright red and her cheeks were stained with tears. I prayed they were from last night and that I didn't sleep through her crying.

I wasn't going to be a terrible father. This was a new day, and as much as I would rather have a hot shower and sleep in my own bed for a few hours, I had responsibilities to do and all my attention was going to be on Grace. I was still just as excited as I was when I found out that we were getting her. I just wasn't displaying it as much. 

"Good morning to you, Grace." I told her cheerfully. I wondered if she even believed that I could be so chipper after the night we had. 

Her light hair was sticking up in the back and I couldn't help but to chuckle as I softly stroked it down. I was hesitant at first because I didn't want to touch her and make her cry. I couldn't associate myself with negative emotions. 

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