Chapter 1

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Crookedtooth dashed into the unfinished camp. "Jaggedrock," she mewed.
Jaggedrock whipped his head around. "Oh good! You brought some more dried grass for the apprentice den!"
Crookedtooth lay the grass on the ground, then began to lick her paw.
"Darksky, who is this, Nightsky that you mentioned?" she asked.
Darksky heaved a sigh. "Well, he is my son." she said.
Night appeared from the elders' den. "He was a tough young' un. He was strongest of em all of us. Nightsky was fierce, selfish and stubborn. He killed his sister, Sunkit."

Crookedtooth gasped. "Sunkit was the bright one, nice and helpful. Nightkit was mean. He took her out. Sunkit never woke up."

Night stretched and yawned. "I better have a nap." he said, retreating into the den.

Echopaw grabbed some moss and lined the nests with it. "Longpaw get some rocks, we can use them to block the nursery if Nightsky attacks."

Longpaw rushed out of camp. Tigerstripe pricked his ears. "Wait!" he yowled. "You need a warrior with you!"
Tigerstripe followed Longpaw. Willowpaw went into the nursery. "Shystep, how are you doing?" she asked.

Shystep was licking her belly where the kits were. "I'm having cramps. Those kits are coming soon."
Sedgestripe was comforting Shystep. "The kits will be fine. Ravenwing will come if the kits are coming. I'm here with you too."

Sedgestripe loves kits. She always have. "Crookedtooth!" she mewed.

Crookedtooth turned around. "Willowpaw! What do you want?"

"I heard you are going to have kits with, Jaggedrock!"

Crookedtooth nodded. "I will soon. I'm not going to the nursery yet."

Willowpaw giggled. Then Crookedtooth's eyes became a glare. "I must do something."

Crookedtooth sprinted out of camp. I have to fight Jayfoot, to the death.

Crookedtooth padded into where Jayfoot had said. Suddenly, two small cats hopped out of a tree. They were kittypets.

"Get out of here!" she growled.

The two kittypets didn't budge. A small tortoiseshell stepped forward. "I'm Kelly. This is my brother Kobe."

Kobe bared his teeth at Crookedtooth. "Kelly, lets get rid of this cat." he growled. He ruffled his golden tabby pelt and glared his amber eyes.

Without warning, Kobe leaped for an attack. Crookedtooth dodged and slashed his side.

Kobe's amber eyes gleamed. "I will kill you!"

He leaped again, and landed on Crookedtooth's back. Crookedtooth hauled the small tom off and pinned him.

Crookedtooth was close to biting down on his throat, but stopped and let Kobe break free. "Next time you fight me, you will be dead."

Kobe snarled. Crookedtooth fixed her gaze on Kelly's. "Have you seen a skinny black tom around here?"

Kelly nodded. "He came over then said, he will not fight today then told us to kill you for him. I wouldn't kill, but my stupid furball brother decided to try. He always says he is the strongest."

Crookedtooth hissed. "Don't try to kill me. I know you don't stand a chance."

Kobe and Kelly padded away. Crookedtooth snorted and started to dart back to camp.

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