Chapter 8

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"Where is Willowpaw?" asked Stickfoot.
Echoheart sighed, "Willowpaw went to get rid of the dog by the Twolegplace."

Stickfoot widened his eyes. "No! That is way to dangerous! I want, Longclaw and Flightwing to come with me."

The two warriors followed Stickfoot by the Twolegplace.

"No!" Stickfoot yowled, coming close to Willowpaw's dead body.

Her throat was open, with dried blood mixed into her fur, along with some that was on her throat.
Her blue eyes were blank, and you could clearly see she wasn't alive.

"I have to take down my role as deputy, I don't deserve it."

Longclaw was taking a step toward his sister, licking her ears.
"You were so special," he whispered.

Flightwing dipped her head. "We should bury her." she meowed.

"You're right," replied Stickfoot.

The three cats started to dig a grave for Willowpaw.

They finished and pushed her body in, and covered it with earth.

"Wait," mewed Stickfoot.

Longclaw looked at him. "What?"

"She gets a warrior ceremony. I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice, Willowpaw you will be known as Willowtooth. StarClan will honor your curiosity, and your bravery. StarClan welcomes you as a full warrior."

"Willowtooth, Willowtooth." repeated Longclaw and Flightwing in chorus.

"I named her after Crookedtooth, the cat who looked like Willowtooth."

Longclaw put his paw on the grave. "You will remembered like no other." he said softly.

"Lets get back to camp." Stickfoot decided.

Longclaw and Flightwing agreed leaving Willowtooth to find her way to StarClan.

"Did you find Willowpaw?" asked Bearstar.

Stickfoot shook his head. "Shes dead. I will take down my role as deputy and Spikeclaw will be in my place."

"Very well," Bearstar said.

Echoheart was sniffling back tears. "Its all my fault!" she blurted.

"I let her go! Its me who told her to go by the slope so Longclaw didn't see her!"

Echoheart dipped her head in shame. "Its not your fault," meowed Stickfoot.

"Its mine, I was the one who-"

A sudden cry of pain came from the nursery. Sedgestripe came out. "Crookedtooth's kits!" she said.

Ravenwing dashed across the camp making his way into the nursery.

Jaggedrock seemed worried as his paws twitched impatiently.

After a few minutes Ravenwing broke from the crowd. "Five healthy kits!" he said.

Jaggedrock rushed in, and saw five bodies near Crookedtooth.
"Want to discuss names?" asked Crookedtooth.

Jaggedrock was speechless, so he nodded.

"We need some privacy." mewed Crookedtooth.

Sedgestripe dipped her head and trotted out of the den.

"So, what names have you thought of?" asked Jaggedrock.

Crookedtooth put her nose on a white she-kit"Milkkit, her white pelt reminds me of my mothers' milk."

Jaggedrock nodded. "I agree. I kinda feel homesick."

Crookedtooth licked a large black tom. "This is Nightkit. He is like nighttime."

Jaggedrock spotted a ginger tabby tom. "Can this be Blazekit? His pelt is like blazing flames."

Crookedtooth agreed. "Blazekit is a nice name."

Jaggedrock looked at a white she-cat with a silver dapple. "Silverkit." he decided.

Birds chattered overhead. And Crookedtooth saw the last kit. It was a small light gray tabby she-kit.
"Loudkit. I name her from the loud birds that are singing outside."

Jaggedrock glanced at the entrance of the nursery. A blackbird was singing loudly.

"Have some rest my love," he said before padding out of the den.

Crookedtooth licked Milkkit. The white she-kit let out a small wail. Crookedtooth wrapped her tail around her kits then went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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