Chapter 4

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Crookedtooth laid in her nest. She took in a deep breath. What if they attack us?

Jaggedrock came in. "Are you ok?" he asked. Crookedtooth looked up at him. "This was a mistake, i'm a mistake. I was never meant to be born, I was taken here to never have life in RiverClan."
Jaggedrock let out a long, sigh. "I want to make you like yourself again." he began.
He continued, "When I was younger, my mother was from WindClan. I don't know who, but it was WindClan. I was born in a twolegplace. My father was a rouge. He took me in. He named me Jagged because of the jagged rocks that he lived next to. Then, after awhile a cat named Bear Claw wanted to recruit me for something important. I wanted to see what was beyond the jagged rocks I looked at everyday. I met, Flight, Stick, Cheetah, Spike and Wind. I made some good friends. Then I came across you, and everything changed."
Crookedtooth stood up, "Well, Jaggedrock I think I might be ready to go to the nursery. I'm heavy with kits already."
Jaggedrock nodded. "I'll speak with Bearstar so the apprentices will make a nest for you."
Jaggedrock leaped on the Sunstone and went in Bearstar's den.
Bearstar and Jaggedrock padded out. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey may come beneath the Sunstone for a clan meeting."
Crookedtooth felt heavy. She dragged herself near the Sunstone.
"All of you might know that Crookedtooth is having kits soon. I want Willowpaw and Longpaw to make her a nest for her and the future kits."
Ripplekit bounced up, "And me!" she mewed.
Bearstar gave a nod of approval. "Ok, you can help too Ripplekit."
Longpaw and Willowpaw neared Ripplekit. "Ripplekit stay in camp and pick a spot in the nursery for Crookedtooth and the kits. Me and Longpaw will get everything for the nest. You can help put it together. Everyone got it?"
Longpaw and Ripplekit nodded. "Good, lets get to work!"
Longpaw and Willowpaw dashed out of camp. Ripplekit trotted into the nursery. She saw a small empty spot at the corner of the den. Shystep, Bumblekit, Smokekit and Cloudkit were taking a nap.
Ripplekit slowly unsheathed a claw and dragged it into the ground, marking where the nest would be.
A few moments later Longpaw and Willowpaw returned with lots of different things in their mouth.
Longpaw dropped his. "Where is the nest going to be?" he asked.
Ripplekit pointed her nose to the markings in the floor.
The three cats quickly got to work, weaving tall grasses and other things into the nest.

Jaggedrock helped Crookedtooth up. "They are done with the nest. I'll help you into it."
Jaggedrock led Crookedtooth into the nursery and the she-cat heaved herself into it.
"Do you feel fine? Is it comfy? I could grab some moss."
Crookedtooth giggled. "Its fine. Stop worrying. Me and the kits will be ok."
Jaggedrock left the den. Sneezenose ran into him. "I'm sorry," Jaggedrock meowed.
Sneezenose dipped his head. "No, I wasn't watching where I was going. I apologize."
Jaggedrock trotted past Sneezenose as he watched him go in the nursery. Must be checking on the kits. I will probably be doing that soon!
Jaggedrock chuckled and saw Stickfoot.
Stickfoot walked over to him. "Could you lead the dawn patrol? Featherstorm, Windpelt, Echopaw and Darksky is going to be on it."
"I'd be delighted." he replied. "Great! Remember, dawn patrol!" he reminded him.
I know its dawn patrol, i'm not a rabbit-brain. Jaggedrock felt wind run through his pelt. Clouds covered the clear sky of night. Stars glittered from above.
StarClan please have Crookedtooth and the kits be okay....
Jaggedrock retreated into his nest and curled up. His eyes closed slowly and darkness swallowed him.

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