Chapter 5

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Jaggedrock just woke up. It was nearly dawn. The patrol! He dashed into the apprentice den and nudged Echopaw with his paw. "Dawn patrol," he whispered. Echopaw shot up. "I'm up!"
Jaggedrock trotted into the clearing where Featherstorm, Darksky and Windpelt waited. "Are you ready?" asked Windpelt. "I'm freezing!"
Jaggedrock nodded. "Lets go."
The five cats set out. They went to the edge of the territory. This was the border to PineClan. "Mark it." he ordered.
Featherstorm and Windpelt took a step forward, spraying the moorland. "That should do it." Windpelt meowed.
"Lets go to LakeClan next." Jaggedrock decided. He heard something move on PineClan territory.
Jaggedrock saw Echopaw spin around, inspecting a bush near her.
A blur of fur shot out and pinned Echopaw. It was Swiftwhisker the deputy of PineClan. "Attack!" he yowled.
Cats jumped from pine trees and started to attack the patrol. There were so many cats like all of them except queens kits and elders.
A tom sprung out of a bush and slashed at Jaggedrock. The tom looked familiar.
"Shrewleap!" growled Jaggedrock. He kicked him off. Shrewleap came close to Jaggedrock. "We will drive you out. We will take Crookedtooth in and make everyone else live as rouges."
Jaggedrock glared at Shrewleap. "Never!" He lunged at the tom and dug his claws into his belly fur.
Shrewleap howled in pain. Swiftwhisker pulled Jaggedrock off of him and scratched at him.
Echopaw was fighting off another cat while Featherstorm was biting into another's shoulder.
Featherstorm made the she-cat dart into the bushes. "Echopaw! Go to camp all call in for reinforcements!''

Echopaw raced away from the battle and reached camp. "Bearstar! There is a battle happening! Get reinforcements!"
Bearstar nodded. "Longpaw, Stickfoot, Sneezenose, Cheetahspot and Spikeclaw help out. Everyone else, take the elders and kits into my den. I will go into battle with the patrol."
Bearstar and the patrol ran out of camp.
"Hurry Cheetahspot! Our clanmates are probably dying!"
Cheetahspot sped up. They reached the area where cats were fighting. Bearstar ordered a few cats to help out with the dawn patrol.
Longpaw clashed into a another apprentice. He slashed at his hind legs. Spikeclaw was spraying blood across the springy moorland grass. "Longpaw!" called Windpelt. The apprentice went to the thin tom's side. "Go and ask for help in SunClan. Rainstar will probably say yes because Featherstorm is in danger. Go!!!" growled Windpelt.

Longpaw dashed to SunClan border. He crossed it and was trying to find their camp. He sniffed the air and ran into a tree. Longpaw touched a paw to his nose. His paw had some blood on it. "Mouse dung! That hurts!" He hissed.
Suddenly, a cat came out from the shadows. "Who are you!" he demanded
"I'm Longpaw from FireClan. My clan needs your help. PineClan is attacking. Please!" pleaded Longpaw.
Longpaw then recognized the tom. It was Lightingfur. Lightingfur seemed unconvinced.
"Please! M-my clan will die if you don't help us. Featherstorm is fighting, but she will get tired!"
Another tom walked behind of Lightingfur. It was Mouseclaw.
"Rainstar loved Featherstorm." he mewed.
Mouseclaw nodded. "We'll take you. Follow us."
The two toms trotted across their territory with Longpaw close behind.

They reached their camp. "Rainstar! Featherstorm is in danger!" they yowled.
A kit tumbled from the nursery. His blue eyes were fixed on Longpaw. A she-cat peeked out. "Stonekit!" she said. The tom looked behind him.
"Get back here!" Stonekit glanced at Longpaw once more before going back into the nursery with his mother.
A large patrol of cats were in front of Longpaw. "We are ready!" Rainstar meowed.
The huge patrol were already racing out of camp. "For Featherstorm!" they all yowled.
Longpaw clumsily ran after them. For FireClan!

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