Chapter 3

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Bramblefur trotted forward, letting the wind run through his pelt. Thorntail and Flameheart were with him. The warriors were hunting.

Bramblefur had heard about the missing warriors in the clans. Sedgestripe, Tigerstripe, Ravenwing, Sneezenose, Willowpaw, Echopaw, Longpaw, Featherstorm, Shystep and Crookedtooth

He shuddered at the thought of his sister went missing. He was worried about her even though he had a cold welcome back when she returned from a journey in the mountains. He also heard her talking about a new so called 'FireClan'. Maybe thats were she went.
"Bramblefur!" Thorntail growled. Bramblefur stopped. "What, I'm hunting! If you don't think I am, maybe I will have to show you." Bramblefur showed this teeth at his former mentor.
Thorntail's eyes were widened, then he narrowed them. "I could take you down in a second. You would be dead."

Bramblefur's pelt bristled. I he thinks he can kill me, well he is wrong! He showed me all his moves.

Flameheart shoved into the two cats. "Stop fighting!" she hissed. "I have seen fights like this, I'm old enough to know how they ended."

"How?" asked Bramblefur. Flameheart glared. "They both died."

Thorntail spun around and stalked away. Bramblefur did the same. I can hunt all by myself! I can hunt better than that mangepelt Thorntail!

Meanwhile in FireClan...

Crookedtooth went over to the fresh-kill pile. She picked up a small rabbit and padded over to a small patch of grass and settled down.
I lied about telling Bramblefur that he said no. But, he would cause too much trouble.
Jaggedrock licked Crookedtooth's ear. "Hello," he mewed.
Crookedtooth touched noses with Jaggedrock.
"Smokekit had been causing trouble lately." Crookedtooth meowed, eyeing the young tom that was pushing Cloudkit around.
"Crookedtooth," called Bearstar. Crookedtooth left her prey and padded toward the Sunstone and leapt on it and went into Bearstar's den.
"Should we go to the Gathering tonight?" he asked.
"I guess its about a good time to go. We have settled in pretty nicely." replied Crookedtooth.
Bearstar nodded then trotted out of the den. "All those cats that are old enough to catch their own prey may join beneath the Sunstone for a clan meeting."
Flightwing bounded to the Sunstone and sat down. Everyone else stopped what they were doing and joined with Flightwing.
Bearstar took a deep breath. "We are going to the Gathering tonight." he announced.
"Crookedtooth already decided who was going."
Crookedtooth took a pace forward. In a loud voice she started to speak, "Stickfoot, Ravenwing, Echopaw, Tigerstripe, Featherstorm, Sneezenose, Cheetahspot and Willowpaw."
All the cats who were going were exchanging glances. "Are you sure?" asked Tigerstripe. Willowpaw nodded in agreement. "Do you think they will approve of us? What if all the clans attack and drive us out? We would be injured and way outnumbered."
"Its decided!" yowled Bearstar. "We are going."

Later that night......

Crookedtooth was padding side by side with Bearstar. Who knew it would all come to this? A new clan.... Crookedtooth sighed at they were reaching the Great Hill. She heard Ravenwing gulp down. Crookedtooth could barely see Icestar with the other leaders.
Bearstar ran up to the Great Hill, and exploded into the clearing with everyone behind.
Rainstar, Ashstar, Bonestar and Icestar yowled, "Attack!"

Cats were leaping towards them. "Stop!" growled Bearstar yowled. Everyone stopped and looked at the young leader.
"I am Bearstar, leader of FireClan."
Rainstar spoke up. "How come we-" he stopped when he saw Featherstorm among them. "Featherstorm!" he called out, racing toward the she-cat.

Featherstorm thrust her muzzle into his face. "I am not your warrior," she growled. "I am loyal to FireClan. Bearstar is my leader, I left because I didn't feel accepted. No one accepted me. When I had the chance to get out of here, I took it. No one respected me."

Ravenwing saw Ashstar look at him. Sedgestripe and Tigerstripe were beside him. "Ashstar," they all began. "We left PineClan because we didn't fit in either."

Ashstar snarled. "Tigerstripe, you fit in well!"

Tigerstripe glared his green eyes. "I am not leaving my brother." he hissed, he fluffed out his long, tabby striped fur.
Bearstar saw everyone quarrel. "Stop!" he growled again. "This is a truce! This Gathering is over!"
Bearstar rounded up his cats as they ran away. Crookedtooth saw her brother. His eyes were wide with worry.
Crookedtooth saw Piperclaw crying because of her lost kits, and Thorntail was smiling and Riverdapple and Swiftstep were hissing at FireClan.
Crookedtooth sighed. Will anyone actually accept us as a clan? Or will they drive us out like Willowpaw had said?

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