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dear cedric,

im so angry with the world. its been another week and people still wont stop talking about you. we've got a new dada teacher named umbridge. i hate that bitch with a passion. she had the audacity to bring up your name and use it against her own students.

part of me just wanted to stand up from my seat and smack her right across her smug face. but hermione held me back, telling me it was for the best that i stayed seated. shes so nice to me. she always has been, but lately shes been ten times nicer than usual. im not complaining... she comes round my dorm usually and sometimes we all go to harry and rons dorm. seamus, dean, and neville are all there, too. usually its only neville, harry and ron who are there though. seamus is angry with harry at the moment, and you know dean.

seamus doesn't believe that voldemort killed you.. most people dont. but i believe what harry has said, and so do hermione, neville, and ron. i wish i could be the one to kill that son of a bitch myself. i cant believe how horrible it mustve been for you. harry told me that you werent in pain when you died though. he said it was quick, which should comfort me. but it didnt, it just made me even more sad.

i still cant believe that this all real. i miss you.

- amelie

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