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dear cedric,

its me again.. i really still dont know why im writing these. im not sure theyre even helping. it does give me something to do i suppose.

this past week has been an eventful one really. the trio has started their own mini club to teach magic. its quite fun. harry is just wonderful at magic. i wish you were so he could teach you too.

hes been getting along with cho lately. im pretty sure they fancy each other. even ronald can tell.. hermione was the one who told me she thought the two fancied each other.

me and her are still very close.. closer than ever really. she actually came out to me yesterday.. shes bi, just like you. i always knew it.. i mean the way she looked at pansy the same way she looked at ron sometimes. not sure if she still fancies either of them... ill have to ask her myself later.

anyways... i really dont know what to write about anymore.. my lifes boring really. people are starting to die down on talking about you. cho still asks me questions about you all the time.. quite annoying actually. but, i guess she lost you too, so i cant really say much.

i hope shes able to forget about you sooner than i will.. i want her to move on in life, find new love. im not so sure if i can find someone to love. i really do want to but i feel as though i cant love anymore since i lost you.

off topic but ive been writing to dad.. almost everyday. mrs. weasley still checks up on him and he's doing much better. mrs. weasley writes to me sometimes too, just to check up on me.. she makes sure her boys check up on me too. some days when i cant get out of bed ron comes up to my dorm to sit and talk with me.

hermione figured out some sort of spell so that the boys could get into my dorm so they could check up on me. sometimes ill fall asleep and ill wake up to the twins sleeping on my floor. ginny tells me theyre worried about me. she checks up on me a lot as well.. she walks to me the showers and makes sure i clean myself.. she even sometimes helps me get dressed.

dumbledore even sometimes lets me come into his office.. he says i should see him as a "therapist". i guess your death has me falling into some sort of depression.. thats what he calls it. but he told me i can and will get better. i sure hope so.

- amelie q. d.

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