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dear cedric,

i think im going to stop writing these letters soon, itll help me better to forget about you. hermione told me ive written enough letters and she thinks its helped me. im so glad she told me to write them. ill miss writing to you. but i feel as if itd be better off if i stop. ill keep these letters somewhere and maybe every now and then ill read them.. or not.

but for now, id like to write a few more to tell you whats going on. its been a month and a half since the last time i wrote.. writing less frequently helps me a little better. i feel horrible for trying to forget about you but in reality ill never really forget about you. now when i think back i like to think of only our happy memories and not the bad ones. like how i used to yell at you all the time for the smallest things. merlin, i wish i could take those things back.

anyways, im sixteen now, have been for a month. feels no different than fifteen but i guess its only a year. everyone wished me a happy birthday at school, no one said a word about you to me that day.. it felt nice. i wish you were here to celebrate it though, i know you wouldve given me a wonderful present. i got lots of presents this year.. i guess it was because everyone felt bad. hermione gave me a beautiful locket.. it had a picture of you in it. she said so i could carry you around wherever i went. she told me that the picture would only show up if i wanted it to. magic is quite beautiful really.

the twins got me some of their products from their new joke shop.. i tested the items out on draco. he obviously wasnt very happy about it, but hes a prick anyways. i hope this year ends soon, ced. its so horrible. umbridge is starting to take over and i hate it. i miss you so much.

- your sister xx

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