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dear amelie,

its me, cedric. ive been seeing your letters, even if you dont think i see them. i wish you would be able to see this letter, so i could somehow tell you im still here. i dont know why it took me so long to write back. i was too busy looking down on and making sure you were safe. i saw how horrible the battle of hogwarts was. im so glad you were safe, and so was potter, granger, and ron weasley.

i saw that hermione proposed to you. im so happy for you two, i always knew you two had a thing for each other.

i wish i could tell you im fine up here. ive met james and lily potter, theyve been so sweet to me. i sometimes watch harry with them. i see that he and ginny have finally gotten together just like you said they would. theyre so much like harrys parents, its uncanny frankly. i miss you lots though, and i miss dad too. i watch you guys everyday, wishing i could somehow tell you that its all gonna be alright. i see you still cry over me sometimes, but you dont need to, i promise that im alright.

i do love you so much, and im so happy that youre happy. i cant wait until you finally become the professor youve been wanting to be. i reckon youd make a great one.

maybe ill write to you again soon, it really does help. and one day, very far from now, when you join me up here, ill be able to show you these letters. but ill have to wait foe that day because you look like youre having so much fun down there.

i love you so much, amelie.

p.s. fred, remus, and sirius are doing great up here as well. fred really misses you and his family. so do sirius and remus, they said they cant wait to finally see you all again. but for now, we can wait it out.

love, cedric diggory

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