Makes No Sense To Me ~Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

So this is weird... I've just woken up and there a just a few little issues:

First, I'm completely alone. Second, I'm in a hospital bed. And third, and possibly the worst of all, I don't remember a god damn thing.

A few minutes pass, though it feels like hours, and a boy looks through the little window on the hospital room door, and his entire face lights up. He runs through the door to the hospital bed I'm still sitting in.

''SHINKU!! You're awake!'' He shouts.

''Uh... Yeah... I'm guessing I'm Shinku...?'' I say quietly.

''Y-yeah... Haha, you're kidding right?'' He asks, slowly.

''N-no, I'm not kidding... Uh, what's your name?'' I ask.

''Oh, I-I'm Hikaru..'' He says.

''Okay, so... What's going on?'' I ask.

''W-well one minute!'' He says, running out the door. Well, that was strange. He seemed really upset. Anyway, he comes back in a second later. Something seems different though. Something seems to have changed about him. I just can't put my finger on it.

''Well that was fast.'' I say.

''SHINKU!?! You're up!!'' He shouts.

''Uh yeah, didn't we already go over that?'' I ask.

''What do you mean? I just got in here, I didn't know you were up. How long have you been up?'' He asks.

''B-but you were just in here.... Don't you remember?'' I ask.

''No, I wasn't. That was probably Hikaru.'' He says, looking confused.

''But... Aren't you Hikaru?'' I ask.

''No, I'm Kaoru.'' He says, looking a bit freaked out.

''Huh..?'' I say, really confused now. Just then a boy who looks identical to Hikaru/Kaoru walks in.

''Crap! Kaoru! What are you doing here? I was looking for you!'' The boy who just walked in exclaims. Well, I'm gonna take a guess here and say that they're twins.

''Hikaru, what's going on?!'' I ask turning my head to the boy that I think is Hikaru. It turns out I'm right because the boy I look at answers me.

''Well Kaoru is my twin in case you hadn't noticed, and he just came in. I was talking to you before.'' Hikaru explains.

''Okay...'' I say. This is kind of confusing. Anyway, then four boys and a girl come in, all looking really happy.

''Shinku!?!? You're awake!'' They all shout.

''Y-yeah... I'm up..'' I say weakly.

''U-uh guys, there's a small problem.'' Hikaru says.

''What's up?'' Everyone including Kaoru asks.

''W-well... Shinku... I think she has amnesia or something...'' He says.

''What!'' Everyone says in disbelief. They all look pretty shocked.... I wonder if we're close..

''I came in and saw she was awake. I yelled SHINKU! You're awake! And she said 'Yeah.. um, I'm guessing that's me.' She didn't know who I was and she didn't know that Kaoru and I were twins.'' Hikaru explains.

''Oh my god...'' The girl says. One of the boys (The little blond one) gasps, small tears forming in his eyes. The other boys just look kind of shocked...

''Really..?'' The girl asks, disbelief in her eyes.

''U-uh.. yeah.. What's your names, by the way?''I ask.

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