Makes No Sense To Me ~Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I open my eyes to light streaming through the semi-open curtains in my living room.  Squished together on the couch with me is Hikaru and Kaoru sleeping soundly. Hikaru is on my left and Kaoru is on my right. Their heads are together leaning on top of mine since I'm quite a bit shorter than them. I'm squished in between them. If I get up will I wake them up? Oh well, if I squeeze out they'll just lean against each other and stay asleep. I test my theory, and I was right. They're still sound asleep.

I walk into the kitchen to get some food. I grab two pieces of bread and put it in the toaster. I go to the cupboard to get butter and peanut butter. Might as well make some for Hikaru and Kaoru. Hmm.. Do they like toast? Of course they do, it's toast! I put two more pieces of bread in the toaster. I pull three plates out of the cupboard and set them on the table. I look in the fridge and there's different kinds of fruit. I get two oranges, and cut them into slices. I put some on all of the plates. The toaster pops and I take out all four pieces of toast, and then I put in the last two pieces. I put butter on one of my pieces of toast. I hear movement in the living room. They probably woke up. I stick my head in the living room, and see Hikaru standing up.

''Hi Shinku.'' He says, voice trailing into a yawn.

''Hey Hikaru! You hungry?'' I ask taking a bite of my toast.

''Yeah!'' He says

''C'mon!'' I say stepping back into the kitchen. He comes in with me and I point towards his toast. He puts butter on one and eats it.

''Thanks!'' He says, with food in his mouth.

''No problem! Hopefully Kaoru wakes up soon because-'' I start, but the toast in the toaster pops.

''Because that?'' He says laughing.

''Yeah, because that.'' I say getting the toast out of the toaster and putting it on his plate. Kaoru comes into the kitchen a minute later.

"Hi.." He says walking in with his eyes closed.

"Here! I made toast!" I say handing him his plate.

"Thanks Shinku." He says taking it. I take another bite out of my toast.

"S-" I start to talk but then I start to see... A vision? I see myself, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, Honey, Kyoya, Mori, and Tamaki all in the Host Club. Tamaki was acting all prince-like towards me, and Hikaru, and Kaoru we're laughing. Then Kyoya got Tamaki off of me, and the vision stopped, and another one came. I was crying on the back step of my house. Hikaru came and saw me. He asked me what was wrong and I said I was upset about my parents. He gave me a hug, and we stayed like that for a minute, then I explained how my parents died, and the vision ended. I opened my eyes and I was on the floor.

"Shinku!? Are you okay?" Hikaru asks, concern in his voice.

"Shinku! What happened?" Kaoru asks Hikaru.

"No idea.. Are you okay Shinku?'' Hikaru asks again. I put my hands over my mouth. I'm speechless. Those were memories! Yeah, they were ones that Hikaru and Kaoru told me the night before, but they were still memories.

''G-guys... I just remembered stuff..... I say quietly. Hikaru's face lights up and Kaoru smiles.

''How much?'' They ask.

''Not a whole lot. Just me in the host club with everyone, when I first came. You guys laughed as Tamaki went all out prince, and then I remembered crying on my back door steps the day I told you how my parents died. Just the stuff you told me yesterday, but still..'' I explain.

''That's great!'' They exclaim. I laugh.

''D-do you think I'll get more soon?'' I ask.

''I don't know...'' Kaoru says thinking.

''Hopefully!'' Hikaru smiles. What an eventful morning! I ate toast, and had two memories!

''A-alright. I'll be right back.'' I say before heading upstairs. I walk into my washroom and find my toothbrush. I brush my teeth and then brush my hair and then I walk over to my closet. I pick grey sweat pants, a green sweater over a white tank top, and just put my hair in a messy bun. I put my hand up to my neck to check for my necklace, and its still there. Good.

I'm about to go back down stairs when I get a random, very painful, headache. My vision goes dark, and I see shadows. Another memory? My head didn't hurt last time though... Either way, the shadows are two girls. One is walking and the other is quietly coming up behind her. The first shadow is about to turn and look at the second one, but before she can the second shoves her and she falls. She falls down stairs... Down at the bottom of the stairs unconscious..

The girl who fell... That... That was me.

Holy crap! Memories! And not such great ones at that.. Anyway, I'm really sorry that it's so short! I just had a small idea though, so that makes for a small chapter :p Don't worry, most of them will be a lot longer than that. Lol, anyway I'll be updating again soon I hope! Luv you guys! Byeee


Makes No Sense To Me ~An Ouran Highschool Host Club Fanfiction~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu