Makes No Sense To Me ~Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"SHINKU! Get up! It's time for school!" Someone yells from outside, waking me up. I look out my window to see Hikaru and Kaoru waving to me, laughing.

"Hey guys! Come up here!" I yell to them.

I step into my walk in closet, to pick my outfit. I take off my pj's so I'm just in my bra and underwear. I start looking through my clothes and see a bunch of cute outfits, and I'm just about to pick one out when in the corner of my eye I see a bunch of the same shade of yellow. Ugh, no! School uniforms! That's great. I guess it's pretty, but I'd so rather pick out my own outfit. Hmmm... Maybe if I wear other clothes the teachers won't notice! Well that obviously won't work, I'll absolutely get caught... Teachers aren't blind... I don't even have time put something on because I hear Hikaru and Kaoru walk into my room. I stick my head out of the closet, keeping the rest of me hidden by the door.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hey Shinku!" They say together.

"Ugh, I don't wanna wear a uniform... That kinda sucks." I complain, sticking the hanger with the dress still on it out the closet door.

"Then don't! You never did before!" They laugh.

"Really? Didn't I get in trouble?" I ask.

"Well, at first they gave you a warning, but you just never wore the uniforms, so eventually they gave up." They explain.

"Oh! Okay!" I say happily. I wave and go back into the closet closing the door. I put the dress back where I found it and get ready! I picked out a really cute outfit! It's a black tank top with white stars on it, and light blue skinny jeans.. I put on a thin black sweater, and some flats. I find a really cute charm bracelet that has a few different kinds of star charms on it. And just to tie in with the stars on my outfit, I grab some simple star earrings, and I hop out of the closet.

"Hey guys!" I shout.

"Hi!" They say.

"I'll be right back!" I say, skipping into the en suit washroom. I find my tooth brush and brush my teeth. After that, I take my hair out of the messy bun that I slept in, and brush it. I look in the mirror. Well, I'm ready! Oh, crap! Where's my necklace! I run out of the washroom, and start looking around.

"What's wrong!?" Hikaru asks.

"I can't find my necklace!" I say, still looking.

"What's it look like?" Kaoru asks.

"It's a silver heart, and if you look really close on the back you can see my name on the back." I explain.

"Okay." Kaoru says, starting to look.

"Oh, that one! Alright." Hikaru says, looking as well. We don't look for long when Kaoru finds it.

"Is this it?" He asks, holding it up.

"Yes!! Thanks Kaoru!" I say giving him a hug.

"No problem Shinku." He says, hugging me back. I put it on and grab my purple bag, that has school books in it, so I assumed that it was my school bag.

"Why were you so freaked out about it anyway?" Kaoru asks.

"I uh... I don't know. I just have a feeling that it's very important. It feels special to me, I guess." I say, laughing slightly.

"Okay, well lets get going! To Ouran Academy we go!" Hikaru and Kaoru say together pulling me out the door.

***At Ouran Academy***

"Wow! It's huge!" I exclaim!

"Yeah! You ready for the tour!?" Hikaru and Kaoru ask.

"Of course! Let's go!" I say, and they each grab one of my hands, and we run through the halls. As they show me around, we couldn't stop laughing the whole time!

Makes No Sense To Me ~An Ouran Highschool Host Club Fanfiction~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ