Makes No Sense To Me -Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I open my eyes, and I'm on the ground. My head stops hurting, and I can see clearly again. I didn't fall.. Someone pushed me. Why would someone do that? Was I rude or something before? I don't think I was. Not that I remember much... My eyes sting, as a few tears form in my eyes. Hikaru and Kaoru must've heard me fall or something because I hear them rushing up the stairs.

''Shinku? What happened?'' Hikaru asks, concerned.

''Are you okay?'' Kaoru asks.

''G-guys... I-I didn't fall down the stairs.. S-someone pushed me.'' I say weakly.

''WHAT!?'' They shout.

''I-I was about to come back down stairs, but my head started to hurt, a-and my vision went blurry, and I had a memory, but it was weird. I was watching someone, two shadows, walking, and one of them pushed the other down the stairs, and then I was on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. I-I..'' I stutter through most of the explanation. I just saw someone try to kill me!

''Why would someone do that?!'' Kaoru exclaims. Hikaru just looks plain pissed. He walks to the other side of the hall and looks deep in thought.

''What are you thinking about?'' I ask.

''I'm thinking what kind of person would do that to you? You're a nice person, you never did mean things to anyone, and you have lots of friends. From my memory you never had any enemies.... Wait..'' Hikaru stops and looks a Kaoru and they come to the same realization.

''Takara!'' They exclaim together.

''W-who is Takara?'' I ask.

''Right, she wasn't at school Friday. She's pretty much the only person that you don't get along with. Your only enemy.'' Kaoru starts.

''You got in fights quite a bit actually. You were always yelling at each other. You never did anything to make her mad, but she just didn't like you for some reason. She always had something to say.'' Hikaru finishes the thought.

"B-but do you think she would actually go that far?" I ask.

"I don't think so, but who else would do something like that?" They ask.

"I wouldn't know." I shrug.

"Well, before we figure out..." Kaoru begins.

"Let's go talk to Dr. Jun about those memories." Hikaru says, helping me up.


When we got to the hospital, we have to wait in the waiting room for a while. We sat there for 15 minutes, when finally Dr. Jun came to talk to us.

"Hello Shinku, how are you feeling?" Dr. Jun asks after we went into his office.

"Um.. Okay, I guess.." I shrug.

"What seems to be troubling you?" He asks, noticing all of our uncomfortableness.

"Well... I had some memories this morning." I explain.

"Oh, that's great!" He smiles. We don't smile, and he gives us a questioning look.

"Well... I had three. One of them was a good one, one was pretty sad, but the last one was... horrible." I say.

"What memories did you have?" He asks.

"The first one was me and my friends when I first met them all, the second one was me tell Hikaru about my parents and stuff, and the last one... I saw me being pushed down the stairs by someone..." I explain.

"Oh my... So you didn't fall. Someone pushed you." Dr. Jun says. Yeah, we're aware of that.


"Now, I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how much I can help you anymore. I don't think you'll get many more memories. You could get some from time to time, but I don't think you'll ever fully regain your memory." He explains. That news broke my heart. I'll never get my memories fully back? I mean, I've already made lots of new memories, but my old memories... I must've had secrets, or something that no one, not even Hikaru, knew. And now I'll never remember them..

"Are you sure?" Hikaru asks.

"I'm 95% sure of it." He responds.

"O-okay... Um... T-thanks Dr. Jun.. I'm gonna go home now..." I say with no emotion.

"I'm sorry Shinku. Goodbye." He waves. I walk out, with Hikaru and Kaoru close behind. They try to talk to me, but I don't respond. I don't respond, because I know that if I do, I'll probably start sobbing. My eyes sting, and I just keep walking. I think the boys start to understand that I don't wanna talk, but they still walk with me, and I'm thankful for that. When we finally get to my house, I see that Haruhi, Honey, Mori, Tamaki, and Kyoya are about to knock on my door.

"Hey guys!" Kaoru and Hikaru wave. Everyone turns around to see us, but then they notice my expression.

"What's the matter Shinku?" Haruhi asks.

"I... I... I..." And I start to sob. Haruhi walks over to me, pulls me into a hug, and I cry on her shoulder. Everyone surrounds me.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, what happened?" Kyoya asks, sounding suprisingly concerned.

"We'll explain inside." They reply. For a while I just cry, and everyone takes a turn giving me a hug. I don't know why I'm crying so much. I do have reason, but still. I thought I could control myself a bit more. Anyway, my friends take me inside and I sit on the couch.

"So what happened?" Tamaki asks. I calm down enough to give an answer.

''Well.. This morning I had three memories. The first was all of us the day I met you all, the second was me telling Hikaru... How my parents died.. and the final one... was someone who I couldn't see pushed me down the stairs. I didn't fall..'' I start. Everyone looked shocked, but I continued.

''Hikaru and Kaoru took me to the hospital to talk to Dr. Jun, and h-he... He said I'm probably not gonna remember anything more...'' I finish, with tears returning to my eyes.

''Nothing else!?'' Haruhi exclaimed.

''Probably not.'' I explain.

''But Shinku, that's not fair!'' Honey exclaims sadly.

''No, it's not.'' Mori adds.

''I-I know....'' I reply.

''Don't worry Shinku, I believe you'll remember something.'' Kyoya states reassuringly.

''T-thanks Kyoya.'' I smile, and he shrugs and slightly smiles.

''C-can we watch a movie or something?'' I ask.

''Yeah!'' Hikaru and Kaoru exclaim, smiling. We all sit down on the couch, but before we even decide on a movie, there's a knock at the door. I stand up and answer it, with Hikaru, Haruhi, and Honey following behind me. I answer the door to a face that seems familiar, but obviously I have no idea who it is. I look to Hikaru.

''Takara.'' He whispers.

Hey guys! Shit, it's Takara!! xD Anyway, I'll update again by next week or sometime around then! :P Bye!!

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