Makes No Sense To Me ~Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After I read the journal I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wanna read more! I need to know more. I can't believe I found something like this! I feel so lucky that I kept a diary! Anyway, everyone slept over by accident. We we're talking about amnesia, the Host Club's finances, and a few other things. While we we're talking, almost everyone fell asleep on the couch. I was the only one awake after a while. I still haven't slept.

Maybe I should go read the journal. After all, that's whats keeping me up. Although, it may be a challenge to get up without waking anyone. I'm sitting up on my couch and Honey's head is on my lap, Hikaru's head is on my shoulder, and Kaoru's head is on my other shoulder. I really wanna go upstairs and read, but I don't wanna wake anyone up. Whatever, I don't think they'll wake up! I grab Kaoru's shoulders, lift him off of me, and lay his head so its leaning on the back of the couch. I do the same to Hikaru. Then I slowly lift Honey's head, and squirm out from under him. I lay his head back down on the couch, and stand up. I stand very still so I don't wake anyone up. No one moves, so I slowly walk up the stairs.

When I get to my room I see the journal where I left it, on the chair. I pick it up, flick on my bedroom light, close the door, and begin to read the next entry.

Today was another great day! It's Saturday, so I was just sitting at home when I got a call from Haruhi! She asked if I wanted to hang out, so I agreed. It was great! We got ice-cream, went to a market, and then had lunch. It was really fun to have a girls day out. I haven't had one in a long time. The last one was with Nori, and it was fun, but I think I had a better time with Haruhi. I love Nori, but we just did more stuff, and it was great. While we were walking we saw Tamaki and Kyoya. They we're discussing the Host Club Finances again, so we didn't have much time to talk. While Haruhi and I were in the market, I bought a star charm bracelet! I absolutely love it! So that was basically my day, and it was great! I'm loving life here, and I can't wait for more!

Haruhi and I had a day out? Awesome! Even though I did explain what we did, I didn't do it in much detail. It is a journal, and i probably didn't expect to be pushed down some stairs and lose all my memories. Anyway, time to keep reading!


I read a few more entries, but there was nothing too important in them. Just some stuff about my days at school. I have a few more friends who go to Ouran, but they're all on a three week school trip so I haven't met them yet, since the amnesia. They left while I was still in the hospital. I didn't actually write a lot in my journal. I'm getting kind of close to the present. Maybe I'll find more information later.

I really wish I could remember these events without a book. I don't really feel like they're my memories. It feels as if I'm just reading a book. The main character is a stranger to me. I've gotten to know her better, but I'll never know her fully again. I wish I could remember.

"Shinku!" Honey calls from down the stairs. I put the journal away, and walk out of my room.

"Hey Honey!" I smile as I walk downstairs.

"Oh hi! We didn't know where you went." Honey smiles.

"Sorry, I was reading." I walk back into the living room, and everyone is awake now. I walk into the kitchen and look into the fridge.

"What are you doing?" Hikaru asks, yawning.

"I'm hungry, so I'm getting food." I laugh. I pull out an apple, and show it to everyone. "Want one?"

"Yes!" Everyone says, and I pull out seven more apple. I pass everyone their apple, and we all take a bite.

"So Shinku?" Kyoya calls.

"Yes?" I look to Kyoya.

"I don't wanna annoy you, but about last night. What did Takara really say in the kitchen?" He asks. I look at him for a second, and then look away.

"Well... She said she thought I'd be in the hospital longer, and laughed and said I was glad that I'm out. I asked if that's all she had to say... and she said.. She said good, you don't remember." I explain looking back at Kyoya.

"What does that even mean?" Hikaru asks.

"I-I don't know." I say.

"I don't know either, but it dosen't sound like a good thing." Kyoya dosen't sound too happy anymore.

"I-I'm sure its nothing. Don't worry about it." I half smile.

"D-do you think Takara could've..." Tamaki starts, but trails off.

"Pushed her?" Mori finishes off.

"N-no! I'm sure it was just something rude she said, and she wanted me to forget, but she didn't do it, and like.. I don't know." I lower my head.

"She's not that cruel. I don't think she would go that far." Haruhi tries to calm everyone down.

"You could be right." Kyoya says quietly.

"Sh-she's probably right." I say, before taking another bite of my apple. Kyoya nods, but keeps thinking. I look at the clock and it's noon already.

"I've gotta get going. I didn't tell my dad that I was staying over night!" Haruhi says after throwing out her apple core.

"Bye!" Everyone waves. Except for Tamaki.

"I'll walk with you Haruhi! I've gotta get home as well." Tamaki exclaims.

"Tamaki, you live in the other direction." Haruhi laughs.

"That's okay, lets go. Bye." Tamaki walks out in front of Haruhi. Haruhi waves, and walk out my door.

"We have to go too. Come on Mitsukuni." Mori says, before walking towards the door.

"Aw, okay. Bye everyone!" Honey waves, and then catches up to Mori, and they leave. Kyoya, Hikaru, and Kaoru all stay for a little while longer but then they leave. Kyoya had to do some work, and Hikaru and Kaoru had a busy day scheduled so they left.

I want to read the journal, but I think I need to read something else for a while. I walk into my bedroom, and open the door to the spare room that holds books, video games, and some other stuff. I walk to the book shelf and look at the titles. I grab a book called Evermore, and flip to the first page. The book is really worn, so I must've read it a lot. I guess I'll be experiencing something I loved all over again. Well I'm glad to have found at least one upside to my amnesia..

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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