Makes No Sense To Me ~Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Well... We're almost at my house. Hikaru says it's pretty big, and I'm really excited to see it for the first time since I lost my memory.

"How much farther guys?" I ask.

"We're only a few houses away, almost there." Hikaru says, laughing. Yes!

"Hikaru, Karou! Where is your house? Is it on the same street as mine?" I ask.

"We're pretty close. There are two houses in between our house and yours." They answer together.

"Okay, cool!" I say smiling.

"Here's our house." Hikaru and Karou say, pointing towards a big house.

"House!? More like a mansion! Haha." I say, not joking. It's huge!

"Well it's sort of big, but look at yours!" Hikaru says, pulling me towards my house.

"Whoa..." I say, astonished. Mine's much bigger than Hikaru and Karou's!

"Haha, lets go!" Honey shouts, hopping towards the door.

"Okay!" I say, going for the doorknob. I try to open it but it's locked.

"Hmm..." I say, and then I realize that I probably have a key! I put my hands in both my pockets and I pull out a house key with a green base colour and purple lines going up and down on it. It's so cool! I unlock the door and we head inside.

"Holy crap!!!" I say. It''s so amazing!

"Haha, that's exactly what I said when I first saw it!" Haruhi says, laughing, and I laugh along with her. Anyway I look around for a while but then I stop in the kitchen.

"Uh... Does anyone know where my room is..?" I says, laughing weakly. It's a big house... I have no idea where my room is. I bet if I were to look for it alone I would get lost. Jeez..

"Uh.. I do!" Hikaru says.

"Oh, okay! Can you show me where it is please?" I ask.

"Yeah! Of course I can! C'mon!'' He says, putting his hands on the back of my shoulders and pushing lightly to get me up the stairs.

''Here it is Shinku!!'' He says, opening my door.

''Oh my god! Hikaru, this is huge!'' I exclaim!

''Haha, yeah it's pretty big.'' He says, laughing. Yeah, no kidding! Oh my god!!! There's one of those chairs that hang from the ceiling!!!!

''Oh!!! One of those chairs!!'' I say, laughing.

''Yeah.'' Hikaru laughs, with a big smile on his face. He goes over and sits on my huge green and purple bed, while I look around a little bit more. There's a walk-in closet, an en suit washroom, and a door that goes into another small room with video games, books, and stuff like that. Haha, I love my room!!

''Okay, let's go back down now.'' I say.

''Alright.'' He says, we and head downstairs. Everyone just hangs out for a while.

                                                            ***Two Hours Later***

''I gotta go home guys.'' Haruhi says, after the show we were watching ends.

''I'll walk you home, Haruhi!!'' Tamaki shouts the second she's done talking.

''Mitsukuni, we should go home too, okay.'' Mori tells him. I knew Honey was short for something!! Haha. Mori is short for something as well, I'm sure of it! I'll find out eventually!

''Awwh, okay Mori. Feel better Shinku! Bye!'' Honey says, jumping onto Mori's shoulders.

''I have work to do so I'll see everyone tomorrow. Bye.'' Kyoya says, walking out the door.

''Well we should go too. Bye everyone!'' Hikaru and Karou say, arms linked. Hikaru waves at me and I wave back.

''Bye guys!'' I says, waving to everyone.

Anyway, I decide to get ready for bed. I put on some pj's and hop into my bed. Tomorrow I get to go to school and meet all my friends that I've forgotten. A little weird but oh well. Anyway I don't think I'm gonna tell people about my amnesia... Just the friends that we're with me today who already know, and of course I'll tell my family. Wait! Where are my family? It literally just occurred to me that I didn't see them today. They weren't  in the hospital either... Oh well, I'll probably see them soon. I bet I'll see them tomorrow. I think about today's events for a little longer until I drift off to sleep.

The End Of Chapter 2! Sorry It took me so long to update! :) Also I'm sorry that it's so short :3

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