Chapter 24: California

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I looked up over to Grayson. His eyes were watery and he was staring straight forwards. I stared at him until he looked down at me. He pulled me in for a long hug. I nuzzled my head the the crevasses of his neck. My eyes got watery, but I didn't cry. I was out of tears from crying so much this past week. I felt empty. He felt empty. I had a dead baby inside of me and now I can't bring it back to life.

After a few moments Grayson picked my chin up. "We are going to get through this Brianna everyone has some bad moments in their life and we are just going through it now. Don't worry. I love you so much don't ever forget it." He said staring into my eyes. "Yeah I know." I said giving a weak smile.

Dr. Tuckus walked back into the room. "I'm so sorry again." She said gulping. "I don't mean to overwhelm you but we will have to remove the baby from your stomach so do you know even we will be able to do it? Would next Saturday work?" The doctor asked. "Um yeah we were supposed to go back to school tomorrow (which would be Monday) since the first time we were kidnapped, can I still go to school?" I asked. "Yes of course but you will still look like your pregnant since the baby is still inside of you." She replied. "That's totally fine." I said re assuringly. "Okay well I will. See you 2 back here Saturday morning. It is a very easy procedure and you should be able to go back home Saturday night. You will be a little sore though but we have painkillers." She explained. "Okay thank you so much." We said shaking her hand. "And I'm so sorry again." She said ask we were walking out. I just nodded.

We hopped into the car where Cameron and Ethan were waiting. "Holy crap what took you so long?" Ethan asked. "Yeah I thought you were gonna be fast." Cameron asked pulling out of the parking lot. I didn't say anything nor did Grayson. "Did you guys get In a fight or something?" Ethan asked. "No Ethan we obviously didn't get in a fight." Grayson yelled. "Well what the hell is your problems then?" Ethan asked with an attitude. We both didn't say anything. "Well?" He asked again. "I LOST THE BABY OKAY? IM NOT PREGANT ANYMORE THE BABY DIED IN MY STOMACH OKAY?" I screamed. Cameron slammed on the brakes and pulled over. "I am so sorry." She said really meaning it. Ethan unbuckled and moved right next to me. "I'm sorry that was really rude of me to say back there I feel terrible." He said rubbing my back. I hugged him. "I know" I whispered.

When we got back to the dolans house, I ran up to my room and laid on my bed staring at the ceiling and though about everything going on in my life. Why is this happening? Why is my life so shitty? I asked myself. Grayson was explaining to his parents what happened with the baby and they called my mom because I didn't want to talk about it. After 5 minutes of being on my bed Grayson knocked. "Babe can I please just have some alone time? It's nothing against you I just need to clear my head." I said through the crack of the door. "Of course babe I just brought you ice cream." He walked in handing me a bowl of chocolate ice cream with hot fudge. He knows it's my favorite. "Take your time I know this is really overwhelming because it is for me too. I'll be in my room." He said kissing my forehead. I ate the ice cream and my phone buzzed. It was my mom.

Hey sweetie I know you don't want to talk right now but I'm so sorry I'm here for you. Call me when your up to it. I have some big news. Love you.

What the heck is the big news? I thought to myself. I picked up my phone and called her. "Hey mom lets not talk about the baby. How's work?" I asked changing the subject away from loosing the baby. "Oh umm it's good but I have some news..." She said a little concerned. "What is it?" I asked. "I got promoted. I'm going to be making $100,000 more!" She said happily into the phone. "Mom that's amazing! Why did you sound so worried before?" I asked. "Well that promotion goes with a new office. In California. Brianna we are moving..." She said. I was in total shock, this cannot be happening. "No " I said. "What?" She asked. "I will not move mom. I cannot leave Grayson after everything. I love him. I'm going back to school tomorrow everything is finally coming together mom please don't do this." I said tearing up. "Sweetie I have to. Your father is moving down to Texas with that lady so you can't even live with him I'm sorry." She said sternly. "No mom I will NOT MOVE! I LOVE HIM I YOU CANT PUT A PRICE ON LOVE MOM I SILL NOT MOVE FOR $100,000 NOT FOR GRAYSON!" I screamed crying now. "Brianna it's a done deal we are moving!" She yelled back. "NO MOM WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LOVE? YOUR OWN HUSBAND CHEATED ON YOU AND YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW!" I screamed back. I realized I took that too far. "BRIANNA! WHEN I COME HOME FROM THIS BUSINESS TRIP ALL OF YOUR CLOTHES BETTER BE PACKED AND THAT IS FINAL!" She screamed hanging up the phone. I through my phone across the room hitting the wall and I sat down on the floor sobbing my heart out when I heard Grayson running down the hallway.

"Bri did you fall?" He asked. I could barely hear him because I was sobbing so loud. He opened my door and knelt down to me. "Brianna what's wrong talk to me." He asked. I picked my head up with my hair sticking to my face from my tears. My face was so red and puffy and I was never that upset in my life and by the expression on my face he knew it too. "I'm moving." I said.

Hey guys! Hope Ya liked this chapter💘 another plot twist!❤️ I will have another chapter tonight💋 happy super bowl Sunday! Have a nice night! Don't forget to comment and vote☺️ love Ya bunches xoxo-kirsten 😛

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