Chapter 31: Packing

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The 2 days surprisingly went by fast. I really just watched Netflix, went to the mall with my mom to get some new outfits and riding my bike. I didn't text josh at all even though he was trying to apologize I didn't want to let him ruin everything- my happiness because without Grayson here, it's hard to achieve that- to be happy.

Grayson did go to school on Thursday and I was so proud of him. We talked on the phone 3 times a day and it was so hard not to tell him that I was coming up to New Jersey but it made it even more exciting for me! I talked to Ethan and Ryan about Grayson and they said they noticed he's being more happy since he's been talking to me on the phone but he still says he misses me way too much.

I packed 3 nice outfits for court, 3 pairs of Jean shorts with matching tops, my vans and flats and flip flops, my jewelry, phone charger, blanket, sweatpants and sweatshirts- basically everything. I definetly overpacked but oh well.

I ran downstairs with my suitcase in my hand and my mom was downstairs with a homemade yogurt fruit cup to go. "Well the man driving you to the airport is here sweetie I hope you have a good time, and don't be scared for court. You'll do fine! Text me when your at the airport, when you land, when you get in Ethan's car, before you go to bed-" I cut her off. "Don't worry so much mom it's going to all be okay I promise." I said hugging her. "I know you just know how I get." She said. "Trust me I know." I said and we both starting laughing. I gave her one last hug and ran out the door and put my stuff in the car. "Ready to go?" The driver asked me with a smile. "Yep!" I replied. "I'm more then ready!" I said to myself smiling.

When I arrived at the airport I thanked the diver and handed him $35. I grabbed my suitcase and went through all the security process and got my ticket. I had a half hour to burn at the airport, so I went to Starbucks. How could I not? They have free wifi and it Starbucks. Oh yeah.

I got a cotton candy frap and 2 cake pops and sat down and ate it while playing on my phone.

When I finished, I still had 10 minutes left so I decided to walk over to the little gift shop to get things for my flight. I bought candy, chips, 4 magazines, and a water bottle. After I walked over to my plane waiting area.

"All passengers for New Jersey you can board now." The Lady in the airport said. I handed them my pass and went to find my seat. I was in a 2 seater. Thanks god I'll only have to deal with one person.

After about 5 minutes, a boy came and sat next to me. He didn't say anything at first, I just felt him staring at me. I took out my earbud. "Can I help you?" I said with an attitude. "Sorry I was just enjoying the view and by the view I ment you." He said smirking. "Okay." I said looking away. " so does this beautiful lady have a name?" He asked. "Brianna." I replied looking down at my phone. "Well if you were wondering, I'm Anthony but people call me ant... You can call me anything you want." He said smirking again. "Good then I think I'll call you player." I said playing along with his little game. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. "Well I could sense that your a player, you flirt with every girl you meet." I said looking at him. "Well I only flirt with the beautiful ones." He said taking off his sunglasses staring me in the eye. "Well calm down buddy." I said nudging him. "Why your so damn pretty and sexy and your curves turn me on." I gave him a you went way to far look.
"Uhh sorry but it is true." He said smirking again. "I have a boyfriend." I said. "Yeah right." He replied. I scrolled through my camera roll to find a picture of Grayson and showed him. "That dudes famous on vine there's no way your dating him." He replied. "I mean your beautiful and sexy and all but there's no way you know him." He added. I let him listen to a voice mail he left me:
"Hey babe its me again. I know you're at the mall but I just want to hear your voice. I miss you so much and I would do anything to have you in my arms right now. I miss and love you so much. Call me later. Love you, gray"
"Wow that's cool!" He replied giving me my phone back. "So what's so special about this guy that I don't have?" He asked eager to know. "Well Anthony, I barely know you but Grayson is a gentleman for one, he opens doors for me, car doors regular doors anything. He treats me like a lady, he never cursed at me or hits me. He loves me so much and he gives me kisses and hugs me from behind. He's so protective over me he almost killed a guy because of what he did to me. I love when we hold hands and he takes my hand and kisses all of my fingers and then puts my hand in the crook of his neck and when he-" Anthony cut me off. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I didn't realize I was crying. "Oh gosh yeah I'm fine I just miss him a lot I had to move to long distance relationships are hard." I said whipping my tear away. "Well he does seem like a good guy." Anthony said rubbing my arm. "Yeah... He's an amazing guy.." I whispered looking out the window.

I ended up falling asleep when Anthony woke me up. "Hey we are landing in 5 minutes." He whispered in my ear. "Thanks." I said sitting up. "So why are you going to New Jersey anyways." He asked. "Well I'm surprising Grayson and another reason." I said trailing my voice off at the end. "What other reason?" He asked. "I'd rather not talk about it." I said mumbling . "Come on it can't be that bad." He said nudging me. "I don't want to say." I said firmly. "Oh come on-" Anthony started. "I was raped and now I have to go back to New Jersey to testify to make sure the man who did it to me is out behind bars for a long time!" I screamed. "Oh my gosh I'm really sorry I didn't know." He replied. I didn't say anything. "Wait were you and Grayson And there was like 5 other people or something that was held hostage in that school shooting?" He asked. "Yep that was me." I replied. I gave him a weak smile and he gave me a hug.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have landed in New Jersey please take all your belongings and we hope you enjoyed your flight." She said over the intercom.

"Well good luck with everything." Anthony said hugging me. "Thanks." I replied. We walked out separate ways. I walked over to the station where we get our suitcases. I got a text from ethan:

Ethan😍😜: hey Bri I'm almost there!!

Me💁: okay I'm so excited to see you!!

Ethan😍😜: me too❤️Grayson's at the house he still doesn't know!

Me💁: okay see you soon!

Ethan😍😜: kkkkkkk

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Held Hostage: Dolan Twins FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora