Chapter 53: Uphill, Downhill

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Grayson's POV:
The week went by pretty fast. I had to go to school, but right after I would rush to the hospital to see Brianna. She would probably still have to be in there for another couple months, with more surgeries and therapy. She hasn't remembered anything else. She still thinks cameron is her sister. Cameron goes there everyday for an hour at lunch Time to eat with her. She hasn't said anything more about her boyfriend aka me to me except that one time but lately she has been zoning out and been unresponsive for about 10 minutes. The doctor said that's normal though. She never asked me my name. I'm too scared she will call me a liar if I tell her my name is grayson, so she usually just calls me ice cream boy since I always bring her ice cream. I just want her so bad. I hope she remembers. Soon.

Brianna's POV:
I've been in this room. This room with blue walls all to myself. It's so unfamiliar everything is and there's so many people just coming and they all ask "do you know who I am?" It's so frustrating, I've never seen any of these people in my life. I have been zoning out a lot and these memories or visions or dreams would come into my head. One was of me and my boyfriend. There all with him. I can hear his voice but I need to see him. I need to remember...

The doctor told me I got shot one time I think. I know I have an older sister, cameron. She's really pretty and sweet and she comes to see me everyday and we eat pizza together and I braid her hair. I also have this other boy who comes to visit me. I call him ice cream boy. Ice cream boy always looks at me with hope in his eyes as if I'm going to say something. He always looks so hopeful and I don't know why. The only thing I want right now is my boyfriend. I think I'm going to ask ice cream boy if he's seen him today when he comes...

Grayson's POV
I walked in today normal time, right after school. "Hey!" I said opening the door. "Oh hi ice cream boy." She replied with a wave. "The doctor wants me to tell you I can only talk for an hour today instead of 200 hours.." She said slowly as if she was thinking. The doctor was standing at the door holding up 2 fingers. "I mean.... I mean.... 2... Hours. I can only talk for 1 hour instead of 2 hours because I have therapy today."she explained with a smile. The doctor gave her a thumbs up. "Okay that's fine." I said smiling. "Let's go get ice cream ice cream boy." She said. I walked over to the other side of the bed and picked her up and plopped her into the wheelchair and we walked down to the food court and sat and ate our ice cream on the same couch as we always did for the past week. "Ice cream boy?" She asked. "Yes Brianna?" I answered. "Well I need you to do something for me please."she said. "Anything." I replied. "Well I need you to find my boyfriend." Brianna blurted out. I stopped and a tear fell down my cheek. "Well what does he look like?" I asked holding back tears. She gave me the same speech she always gives me. "Well he has nice brown eyes and brown hair and we always snuggle." She said trying to think really hard. "O-okay I'll keep an eye out for him." I replied choking on tears. "I need to go okay?" I said to her. "Yeah. Bye ice cream boy." She said waving. I ran to the door when she called my name again. "Ice cream boy?" She called. "Yes Brianna?" I said. "If you find grayson tell him I love him to the moon and back." She said as the nurse wheeled her away. She said it. My name she said IT! SHE SAID GRAYSON AGAIN! I was so happy I ran all the way home but I didn't know how I was going to prove to her I was grayson.

I went home and ate dinner and went upstairs to hang out with ethan. My house phone rang. "I got it!" My mom called. "Hello?......yes.....what?!....oh my goodness.... Yes....we will be right there....thank you bye." I heard my mom say. "Mom is everything okay?" I called down without taking my eyes off our video game. My mom didn't say anything. "Mom?"I called again. I finally got annoyed so I walked downstairs. "Mom what's going-" I started but my moms face told it all. "Brianna went into a coma... T-they don't know why..."my mom said. My heart stopped. I went into panic mode. "WE HAVE TO GO MOM WE HAVE TO!" I screamed. "Sweetie we are we have to wait till your father gets home." My mom explained. "WE ARE NOT WAITING MOM!" I yelled. "Grayson yes we are!" My mom said getting annoyed. "WELL IM NOT!" I Screamed and grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house. I ran to the hospital as fast as I could. It was about 3 miles but from all the football and lacrosse training it was easy.

I raced down the hallway to Brianna's room. She was laying on the bed with all wires coming out of her head. "BRIANNA WAKE UP!!!!!" I screamed crying and banging on the door. The doctor quickly ran over and pulled me aside. "Grayson-" he started. "DOCTOR WHATS WRONG?" I screamed. "They worked her to hard in therapy and her brain collapsed. Her memory maybe reset meaning she will most likely forget everything that's happened since she's waken up so it will most likely be like when she woke up from getting shot all over again. Let's just take this one day at a time." He explained. "NOOO! SHE WAS FINALLY SAYING MY NAME!" I screamed breaking down. "I'm sorry." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I walked out to the lobby where my family was. I couldn't even explain to them what happened I was so upset.

After waiting for an hour, my family went home but the doctor allowed me to stay. I even got to lay in the bed with her. It was just her and me. I stared at her lifeless body. The only thing moving was her chest going up and down. I stroked her hair. "Brianna. I don't call you Brianna. I call you babe. Because your my girlfriend. I mean come on you know that. I love you so much babe and you love me too you just forget that's all you'll remember right? I know you will. I love when you would come over my house after school. I love how you would always change from jeans into my sweats and my shirts after school. I love how you would keep a bag a make up remover wipes at my house and always take off your make up after school. I love how we would do our homework together and then we'd end up wrestling and falling asleep after school. I miss it being like that. I miss you babe. I miss you so much you have no idea. Please wake up. Please. You can't leave me now. Please please please. Please remember me. It's me grayson. You know me. You know you do. Wanna know a secret? We had sex together can you believe that? We did I swear. You remember that right? Just try to remember please baby please. I love you so much. Please." I whispered to get though tears. I eventually fell asleep snuggled up to her arm. It felt good, but I was snuggling with 'Brianna' not my babe.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter💜 it was sad omg😭 please don't forget to vote and comment, i love your guys comments💙 there will be another chapter tomorrow💋 love you all, xoxo kirsten💘

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