Chapter 47: football game pt.1

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I decided to go to the football game, even if I was still a little sore and the twins were mad at me, I still wanted to show them I cared. I went to all their football games, I never missed one and I wasn't going to let them being all bitchy to me stop myself.

I rolled out of bed, and still had on Grayson's jersey and Ethans bandana. I was debating if I should put a sweatshirt over me or not because I'm sure that Tiffany would be there. I knew I was going to be so embarrassed because of the video. I couldn't let them stop me from enjoying myself though.

I fixed up my hair, and decided to just bring a sweatshirt. I walked down to the school field although it did take me a half hour.

Ugh there were already so many people here, the game started in 5 minutes. I made my way to the snack stand and people from my school were running it. "Hi can I just have a bag of chips and a coke please?" I asked. "Are you sure you don't want a hot dog to play with slut?" The girl asked me and everyone started laughing. "Positive." I said with an attitude. She slammed down the chips and coke and snatched the money.

I took my chips and coke and made my way to the humongous bleachers. I decided to go sit all the way at the top because most of the popular girls liked to sit at the bottom so they could talk to the football players when they were on the sidelines. As a walked up the bleachers, kids were slurring rude things to me. Just as I sat down I saw Tiffany at the bottom of the bleachers just where I figured she would be. Ugh.

I looked over to the field and saw ethan and Grayson warming up. They were Doing a run and pass drill. Ethan grayson and I used to do it together all the time. I kept on seeing grayson take his phone from his pocket, check it, then shake his head. I wonder if he was waiting for a text from me. "Grayson put your phone away and HUSTLE!" The coach yelled. Grayson nodded and ran off to the sidelines and shoved his phone in his bag. "Great job grayson! I bet Brianna would be proud but at least now we all know the truth about that sluts life but don't worry I'll cheer better for you then she ever did baby!." Tiffany said down from the bleachers. He looked up shook his head and ran back out to warm up.

The game started, and grayson and Ethan were on the side lines. They usually don't go in till 2nd quarter. I decided to text him since I saw him take out his phone again.
Me: hey...

I saw him jump when his phone buzz and he smiled but tried to resist it.

Me: I know your trying not to smile...

He looked up and looked around in the bleachers.

Me: I'm all the way at the top in the left corner:)

He looked directly where I told him too and just looked at me.

Grayson: I figured you would come

Me: I know your mad at me but you got to believe me. The video was fake. I can't keep lying to you and ethan it's too hard I'll explain everything after the game I promise.

Grayson: okay :)

I felt relieved that I was finally going to tell him what happened because I can't keep a secret like this from them anymore.

1st quarter ended, and all the cheerleaders ran out to the field to give the football players there water. Tiffany face Grayson's his and kissed him on the cheek. Grayson just pulled away. I saw Tiffany go over to Grayson's bag and started taking out his phone. Oh. No.

She must of went onto our messages because she looked exactly where I told grayson to look for me. If she did that then she must of seen where I told him I was going to tell him everything. She dropped his phone and looked me straight in the eye and mouthed 2 words to me: "you're dead."

Hey guys I might have part 2 up tonight!💙 hope you enjoyed this little teaser😏 also the photo is of grayson and Ethans football team, their team name is "Wolfpack" also Grayson's #49 and Ethans #8, in the pic gray is patting ethan on the back how cute😭 love you all, comment follow me and voteee❤️ -kirsten💘

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