Chapter 46: Video

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock but thank god it was Friday! I got all excited because It was football Friday, so after school at 8:00 there would be a football game and all the kids from school usually go to watch. In school we have to wear our school spirit. I used to always wear Grayson's jersey and Ethans bandana, but I remembered Tiffany and I knew I couldn't. I crawled out of bed when grayson opened my door with his jersey in his hand.

"Uh I know we aren't dating, and you haven't gone to a football game since we got back but I didn't know if you wanted to wear this today..." His voice said trailing off at the end. I walked over and tossed it over my tank top and hugged him. "Of course I'll wear it." I whispered in his ear. "But I can't let the person see." I replied walking over to my closet. I threw over a sweatshirt so Tiffany wouldn't see it. Grayson grabbed my hand and sat me down on my bed. "Can you please tell me now?" He asked politely. "Grayson you know I can't do that. You'll know soon I'm sure though." I replied. "Ugh okay I'm going to do my hair wanna come?" He asked. "Yeah." I walked out of the room with him. It was still kind of awkward but I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't like him. Id also be lying if I said I didn't love him.

We walked into the bathroom and I plugged in my straightener while grayson started combining his hair and took out the hairspray.

Ethan walked in. He snatched the hair spray out of Grayson's hands and started using it. "Give it back that's my bottle!" Grayson Said whacking Ethans chest. Ethan just continued doing his hair. "I know your mad at me." I said while straightening my hair. He just kept doing his hair. I slammed down my straightener. "ETHAN!" I screamed snatching the hairspray from him. "What!" He yelled at me. "Why are you mad at me!" I screamed. "Brianna I want to protect you I thought you trusted me and now you can't tell me who hurt and threatened you? And now I can't even go near you or talk to you in school? Yeah I guess you can say I'm pretty pissed off!" He said and walked out of the bathroom. "Why don't you flip out like he does?" I asked grayson in the bathroom. "Because I know it will just get you more upset." He replied. I sighed and he pulled me in for a long tight hug and kissed me on the forehead. "Gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that..." Grayson said backing away. "It's um.. Okay." I said and awkwardly finished doing my hair. We ran down stairs, grabbed and pop tart and started walking down to the bus stop. "Don't forget what I said! You can't talk to me or go near me!" I said nudging both of them. "We know." They said in sync.

We climbed on the bus and went to first period alone. After first period, I went to my locker as always but ethan and grayson weren't standing there. Thank god. I opened it and a bunch of those sticky name tags were stuck all on the inside of my locker saying: "hi my name is slut." Or "hi my name is whore." I looked back and everyone was laughing.

Just as Tiffany was about to scream something, she stopped and was looking at someone. Grayson and Ethan. She walked over to them. "That is so mean who would do that!" She said to them and walked away. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the stickers. I figured I'll go back later to try to get them off. I went to 2nd and 3rd period and it was killing me not to be able to talk to grayson. Every once in a while he would look back and wink and I couldn't help but blush. It was like I was falling for him all over again, but I didn't know if I could trust him still after everything.

It was finally lunch time and on the way their I was worried about the seating. In that lunch it was the entire freshman and sophomores, so Tiffany ethan and Grayson were obviously going to be there. Ugh. I still went to my seat anyways. I had no where else to sit. Although I was scared, I wasn't going to let Tiffany walk all over me. I should be able to sit where I want at lunch.

Ethan and grayson walked over and sat down. "It's fine but just don't talk to me." I whispered looking around for Tiffany. I spotted her and she walked over to me. "I told you the consequences." She whispered and walked away. Instead of walking back to her table and sitting down, she got up and started talking. Oh, my. Gosh.

"Hi everyone I hope you're all enjoying your lunch but I have a little film for you guys that I think you'll find entertaining. So sit back relax and feel free to video it on your phone!" She said as she connected her phone to the projector screen. "If your wondering where I got this video from, I found it on one of the school laptops!" She screamed. Everyone shifted there attention to the screen as well as ethan and Grayson. My palms began getting really sweaty and my face was turning red.i knew Tiffany was going to play the video she recorded me saying with the script from yesterday. "Grayson..." I whispered. But he didn't hear me. I grabbed his hand and he looked down at me. I just shook my head and a tear fell. "What's wrong!" He asked concerned and then the film started: "Hello fellow classmates. You know who I am. Brianna. But I am much more then Brianna. I am a slut. I am a whore. I sleep with every guy in this school. I slept with both grayson and ethan and it was the best experience of my life. I feel terrible when I tried to break apart grayson and Tiffanys relationship I can see now that they really love each other and should be together. I am sorry I'm such a bitch. I also hate grayson with all my heart. He always ment nothing to me. He thought I loved him and cared for him but he was nothing to me. I also hate his brother ethan with a burning passion he was never there for me and he was a terrible best friend. They can both go die in a hole. and suck my ass. Well they already did that. But yeah I wanted to make this video so you all knew the truth. Goodbye."

Everyone gasped and had there mouths wide open. I looked back at ethan who was in total shock. Grayson's face was blank. I didn't know wha to say. Everyone was staring at me and Tiffany walked over to me and pulled up my arm. "At least we all know who the real Brianna is now. A pure slut!" Tiffany screamed. Everyone cheered. "You don't deserve grayson or ethan! Now get out of my cafeteria!" She yelled and everyone cheered and threw food at me. I looked around. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion. People booing. Video tapping. Giving me dirty looks. I couldn't take it and I was having another panic attack. I grabbed my bag and ran out hysterical crying. I kept running till my chest gave out and I fell near a bathroom. I quickly opened my bag and took out my inhaler and started breathing in and out for a good 10 minutes. Ethan and Grayson came running out.

"How could you Brianna?" Ethan asked with watery eyes. "I told you I loved you Brianna. I never stopped loving you." Grayson added crying. "I'm so done with all your bull shit." Ethan cried and ran off. "You've gone way to far. Nothing was real to you? The kisses? The gifts? The sex? Nothing? Well thanks." Grayson cried and walked away. I stayed in the girls bathroom the last 2 periods and then when the bell rang I quickly ran to my locker and grabbed all my things when Tiffany came up behind me and zapped me without anyone seeing. I immediately fell to the floor in pain. "Wow are you that intimidated by me?" Tiffany laughed with everyone else. She slammed my locker shut on my fingers and walked away. I tried getting up but I couldn't. I was the last one in the school. I just sat their. Alone.

I finally managed to get up and walk home. When I made it to the dolans house, I saw the back door unlocked and Grayson and Ethan must of been in the shed. I walked out their and opened the door. I was out of breathe and in so much pain from Tiffany tasering me again.

I pushed open the door holding my side. "Please don't leave and hear me out." I said weakly. "What so you can just tell me how much you hate me and how I meant nothing to you again? I don't think so!" Grayson said and jumped up and ran towards the door with Ethan behind him. "Please!" I said with the last of my strength. I decided there was no use they weren't going to listen. I didn't have enough strength to walk back in the house so I just laid back down on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

My phone beeped and I glanced down. It was from Becca : are you going to the football game tonight?
I looked at the time. It was 7:13pm and the game started at 8:00pm. Was I gonna go?

hey hope ya liked this chapter!! be sure to vote and comment! love you all❤️ -kirsten💘 p.s. Enjoy this photo of gray and eth at football!!💋

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