The plan

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"You what?" I questioned, the coke that was in my mouth spraying everywhere.

"Look can you at least try and stay calm, I mean I know it's a big thing and all that.."

"No" I interjected. "There is no way I'll ever cheat on Hallie. Yes I hate her but I'm not horrid like that. I can't believe you'd even think that I'd do it! I'm not going to steal her fiancé!"

"Look I Know you don't want to do it but as long as I pay you, you'll do what I say!"

I looked up at him. His face was serious! I'd forgotten all about the deal we made. Before we got together I promised him that if I didn't do what he said I had to pay back all the money he'd paid me for doing this and he was allowed to tell the whole school that I cheated on him. It only seemed fair considering he was paying me! Why did you agree to this Tina I thought to myself. I can't turn back now, I didn't have the money to pay him back. Id spent it all on clothes.

"So have you made your decision?" he anxiously asked.

I managed to force the words out my mouth. "Fine" I mumbled.

"I love you Tina" he said grabbing me and embracing me into a hug.

"Not as much as I love you!" I muttered under my breath.

"We can go into any of the shops you want to go in! We can do anything, I'll even go and get your weekly pay four days early for you if you want?" he asked, excitement in his eyes.

"You know, if I'm honest all I really want to do is go home" I responded.

"Are you sure? I mean look the new hollisters opened. You love Hollister, don't you want to go in there? It's all you've talked about for the whole of today!"


"Right umm okay I guess I'll see you in school on Monday."

"Yeah see you, bye" I said keen to get home.

"Wait hang on"

I turned around. "What?" I glumly asked.

"Well I was just going to say that umm doesn't matter. I was just going to ring you tonight about what we are going to do with the plan."

I nodded and turned around. I rudley walked off without saying bye. I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"Bye" Matt yelled across the mall.

I walked out as fast as I could looking down avoiding making eye contact with anyone.

Tears had now sprung to my eyes and slowly started rolling down my cheeks. As I walked outside the rain started hammering down. Great I thought. I thought about what had just happened. Matt seriously wanted me to cheat on Hallie, I couldn't do that! What had I got myself into. This was no sort of relationship it was a complicated mess.

I took my phone out of my tiny bag. There was no way I was walking home in this weather and the next bus wasn't for ages so I rang George.

"Hello" George said into the phone.

"George its Tina"

"Oh hi Tina how are you?"

"Yeah I'm good but George could you please do me a gigantic favour?"

"Anything" he responded.

"Please can you come and pick me up from the mall right now" I demanded.

"Erm yeah, who are you with?"

"Nobody, just please come and get me"

"Yeah s..."

"Bye" I interjected before slamming the phone down.

I'd just treated George like dirt. He really didn't deserve that. Poor George was just trying to be kind. I walked over to a tree and stood under it. It didn't stop me from getting wet but it stopped me from getting drenched. I pulled out a mirror from my bag, I looked awful! My hair was all frizzy and curley from the rain and makeup was a complete mess, mashes had run all over my face. I didn't care, I just wanted to get home.

Eventually a black mercedes pulled up outside the mall and just as this happened as I predicted my phone which I was holding in my hand started vibrating. Sure enough it was George. I legged it over to the car and climbed in. I made the leather seats wet.

"I'm so sorry George" I began.

"It's fine don't worry. I wasn't doing anything anyway" George interjected.

"I'm so sorry"

"Sorry about what? About asking to be picked up? Honestly u seriously don't have a problem with it. Why else would I have said yes?" he respond.

I laughed. George carried in asking lots of questions as per usual. It was getting rather tiresome.

"So were you at the mall by yourself or was someone with you? Why did you want me to pick you up?" he asked.

"I fell out with Matt" I lied.

My mind went back to our tiny argument earlier and his methods of bribing me. So technically I wasn't lying, I just didnt say all the facts.

"Oh dear! Was that your first argument as a couple?" he asked.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I whined.

"I'll take that as a yes then"

"George please" I begged.

The rest of the car journey home was silent. George turned on the radio and I fiddled with my hair. We finally pulled up on my drive.

"Would you like me to walk you in?" George politely offered.

"No thank you" I refused. "Thanks for the ride!"

George spun his Mercedes around and drove the precious car off.

I walked up the drive and pulled out the house keys from my bag when I approached the house. As I went to unlock the door I realized it was already open. I walked in and took my jacket off.

"Hello mom" I called.

I walked into the lounge and discovered Jim, my biological dad who is also my moms boyfriend all over her. "Yuck! Can my day get any worse?" I said sarcastically.

"Hunny I cam explain" my mom yelled as she followed me up the stairs.

"Explain what? What is there to explain?" I yelled back at her.

I walked into my room and through myself onto my bed. My phone started vibrating. It showed the caller ID as Matt. I ignored it, I wasn't in the mood to talk.


Hey guys!

I'm going to apologize coz this piece of writing really does suck. I lost all my work so I had to rewrite it quickly and so has lots of mistakes in it :O I m sorry that I haven't uploaded in like a month but I have been so busy with school and all that but now I'm off for Christmas so I can write and upload :) YEY!

As you will all of noticed this chapter is dedicated to HayleyBlaiz! Please please please go and check out her book sunshine yellow! It's so good and deserves so much more attention than it's getting. Please please go and fan her and vote for her she really is a truley amazing author and yeah so go check out her stuff. This is dedicated to her because sunshine yellow came 2nd in my competion so please please go and check it out!

Finally I'm not uploading the next part until I have 5 votes because I want to know that i actually do have people who read and enjoy this story! So yeah the quicker the votes the quicker an upload. Please vote, fan, give feed back and just do whatever it will all be appreciated! Thanks so much :)

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