Things aren't looking too good

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“Hello darling how was your weekend” George very enthusiastically greeted me as I clambered onto the bus.

“Hmm” I sighed.

“Was there lots of sexy time with Matt” George joked.

“Shut up George”

“Well my weekend was epic!” he excitedly told me.

“That’s great George!”

“Don’t you want to hear about it?” he asked.

“Not really no”

I plugged my head phones into my ears because after the weekend I’d had I really wasn’t up for talking.  George took this as a sign and he shut the hell up.  I stared out the window for ages enjoying the journey up until we drew near to school.  As we began to drive up the road to school I would watch girls walk up to school with their boyfriends holding hands.   It made me so sad to think that my boyfriend wasn’t even my real boyfriend and it made me even more upset when I realized I was completely and utterly in love with him but he didn’t and wouldn’t ever love me back.  My eyes began to fill with tears but I wiped them away with the back of my hand before George began to notice that I was crying.

The bus came to a halt and I quickly jumped up and ran off to escape from George. My cell phone vibrated in my hand. I checked my message which was from Matt asking if I was in school yet.

‘Just arrived’ I texted back.

‘Great, I’ve got your money where shall I meet you?’ he replied.

‘Behind the gym next to the changing rooms’

‘Cool see you in 5’

I darted off to meet Matt and he was already standing there waiting for me.

“Aha here she comes” Matt greeted me.

“Hey” I smiled.

Matt handed me an envelope.  I tore it open.

“It’s all there” he told me.

“Just checking”

“50...60…100…140...200...270…300! Yup all there” I counted.

“Told you so”

I nodded.

“So tell me, how many times did you screw Jez on the weekend” Matt laughed.

“I don’t want to talk about it”

“Urghh you’re so boring” Matt complained.

“Anyway how are things looking with Hallie” I questioned.

“Err yeah they’re looking good.  I’ve talked to her on Facebook a few times on the weekend and she told me Jez has been acting strange and she thinks something’s up.  Result or what?” Matt beamed.

“Cool, well erm look I really have to go coz I’ve got class in like five minutes but I’ll see you soon”

“Yeah laters” he responed.

I ran off to homeroom so that I was on time and to my surprise I was ten minutes early.  I looked around and spotted Nika and Ariadne in the corner of the room.  Nika immediately ran over to me and Ari hesitantly followed.

“Babes hi” Nika greeted me.

“Hey guys”

“Can I just say you’re looking totes amaze babes like I’m loving this new jacket, where’s it from?” Nika asked examining it.

“Hahah I can’t really remember but anyway how are you guys we haven’t spoken all weekend?” I asked filled with guilt remembering what happened last time I was with Ari hence why she’d been avoiding me.

“Yeah I’m really good thanks” Nika replied. “Ari why are you so quiet all of a sudden you had loads to talk about a minute ago and I couldn’t shut you up, now look at you” Nika who had not been informed about the fallout laughed.

Ari began to walk away. Nika looked puzzled.

“Ari wait!”

She stopped.

“I’m sorry ok; I had a lot on my mind. Things are a little hectic at home right now” which actually wasn’t a lie.

“I just feel like there’s something you’re not telling us. Mates don’t have secrets, they tell each other everything!” Ari responded before walking away.

The whole class was staring now.

“Ari we are mates” I smiled.

“Really? Well if this is how mates act I’d rather not have any” she argued.

Nika was awkwardly standing in the middle of us not knowing what to say or do.  I walked to the other side of the room taking a seat next to the class nerd who was over the moon at the fact I’d just sat down next to her.

“It’s me or her!” I informed Nika.

She gulped before heading over to Ari to sit down next to her just as I’d predicted.

“I’m sorry T but…”

“Yeah yeah whatever save it” I interjected.

It was really hard to stop myself from crying but I managed to keep in the tears until break time when I ran off to the girl’s toilets and locked myself in before crying my eyes out.  I cried for ten minutes nonstop before I heard footsteps and the door opened so I pulled myself together and stopped.  I had to clear myself up redoing my makeup before I headed off to my biology lesson.

I was on time when I entered and I sat down in my usual seat next to Ben hoisin.  Luckily for me neither Ari or Nika were in my biology lesson so things weren’t too bad but I still had Cam in the lesson which wasn’t great as he hates me!

The lesson wasn’t going too badly either which was unusual.  In fact it was going really well! Mrs Pike had just told us about this super cool project she was giving us which doesn’t normally happen. Usually we would have to do some crappy project that everybody hated but for once everybody thought it sounded fun.

“So I’m going to read out who your pairs are” Mrs Pike said.

Everybody excitedly sat in their seats.

“Lily Rose and Sarah, Chase and Kym, Danny and Stella…….” She announced.

Then she came to me! Up until now everything had been going well but of course my luck wasn’t going to last.

“Tina and Cameron” she informed.

My heart sank.  I turned to glance at him but he was halfway out the room.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Mrs Pike asked.

“I feel sick” he responded running out.

I sighed, great just great.

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Yay soooooo happy that I’ve uploaded! Wanna say a huge huge thank you to you guys coz paid to be fake has almost hit 20.000 reads!!!!! Yay ;D That is such a good feeling you guys don’t even know how happy that makes me.  So yeah thank you and please check out my new story Letters to Juliet!

Thank you again ;) <3

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