The truth about Cam and his hate for me

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Hey guys

It's been a really really really long time as per usual so I suspect not many people have stuck with paid to be fake but anybody who's still here thanks for all your patience and support, it really means a lot!;)

I guess I'm just always so busy (sport and school work take over my life) there is never time to write but I'm so determined to finish paid to be fake as I'm on the last few chapters now.  So after quite a bit of thinking I've finally planned it all out and figured out how it is going to end, I guess that was part of the problem for not uploading (writers block) but anyway I'm over that now because I've got it all planned out so can't wait finish this once and for all!:D

So enough of my rambling and I now give to you chapter 19...


I stared glumly into my bowl as I watched my cereal begin to go soggy.

"Alright T" Jim had just walked in.  I jolted.

"Fine" I responded pushing my bowl away from me.  I leapt up from my seat and clambered upstairs to go and figure out what I was going to wear today.  After carefully examining each item in my closet I settled with a white tank top and skinny jeans.  I sat down on the end of my bed and began to think about what I was going to say to Cam when he arrived.

My phone alerted me that I had a new message. I picked it up and began to read it.  'Hey babe missing you and your sexy lingerie.  Meet me soon X' was the message I received from Jez.  I immediately deleted the text without responding and angrily threw my phone down on my bed.  Why couldn't he just leave me alone, wasn't Hallie enough for him?  It made me so angry how he could be so disgusting!

Ding dong ding dong went the doorbell.  Great! Another thing to look forward to, the arrival of Cam.  I sighed before getting up from my bed and heading downstairs to open the door.

"Hey" I said after opening the door, putting on a smile.


"Come on in, can I get you anything to drink?" I asked.

"Sure, what you got?" he responded.

"Erm well if you want to come on through into the kitchen I'll show you."

Cam followed behind me as we headed along the corridor and went into the kitchen.  I walked over to the fridge and opened it to show him our drink selection.

"I'll just have a soda" he told me.

I grabbed one for both him and myself before passing it to him.


There was an awkward silence for a moment. 

"I'll just grab some cookies and then we can go through into the lounge and get started" I said breaking the silence.

"So do you live here with both your parents then?" Cam questioned trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, well actually I've lived here pretty much all my life just me and my mom and then just recently my dad came back and started dating my mom and now he lives here too" I explained.

"Oh what so your parents were divorced?" Cam questioned.

"Yeah.  My dad cheated on my mom and walked out on her while she was pregnant but 17 years later he comes back into her life and she willingly accepts him and takes him back with open arms like nothing ever happened!  I personally don't understand it and kinda refused to come to terms with it" I ranted.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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