Getting to know dad

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There standing right in front of me was a man with a bald head, brown eyes and a scar on the top left corner of his face. He wore a suit and had a tie and recently polished shoes. He wore a rolex watch and had a chain around his neck.

I stood in the doorway for a few seconds speechless and niether of us said anything. I reconized this guy from pictures I'd seen and even though I hadn't properly seen him in person since I was two I knew who he was.

"Dad" I screamed as I grabbed hold of him and hugged him so tight that I couldn't breath. Tears started forming in my eyes and then they started coming out of my eyes and rolling down my cheeks and my mascara started to run.

"Don't cry love" he said.

I was still speechless.

"You look gorgeous, I'm so lucky to have such a good looking child" he whispered into my ear.

I laughed. My mom then arrived at the scene. Here we are the three of us all crammed into moms tiny crampt hall as a family for the first time since I was two.

"Honey don't cry" she said embracing me into a hug.

I noticed my dad checking my mom out and so did my mom and we both looked at each other and smiled. "Wow you look stunning Michelle" my dad complimented.

"Well if I do say so myself you look rather handsome tonight too" my mom grinned.

"Shall we get out of this narrow hall now?" my mom asked.

"That would be good" my dad replied.

"I'm going upstairs to get a tissue" I said.

"Ok Hun" my mom replied.

I walked up our wooden stair case and when I got to the top I turned the door knob on the door that goes into my room. I walked in and looked around my average sized bedroom painted light yellow with a cream carpet, with my desk in one corner and my chest of draws in the other. I turned around to face my double bed and I jumped onto the soft mattress landing with a thud. I wondered if my bedroom was always so imaculate when I was younger.

I walked into my ensuite and I looked in the mirror. I looked terrible with all the mascara that was all over my face so I got a flannel and got some water on it, then I used it to wipe all the mascara off my face. The flannel looked like I'd dyed it black by the time I was finished with it so I bined it because there was no way I was going to use that again.

I looked in the mirror and noticed that my make up had come off so I applied light make up once again.

Then I switched off my bedroom light and headed back down the stairs. I took one look into the kitchen before heading back upstairs again. My dad was standing right begind my mom with his arms wrapped round my moms waist. I didn't want to interrupt. It would be awkward for me anyway.

I sat on my bed texting my best friend Nika telling her about my dad. I told her that I was nervous about eating with him tonight and she replied that it would be fine.

"Tina, dinners ready" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming" I shouted back.

"g2g, dinner time. Wish me luck :) x" I texted nika.

"Break a leg" she replied.

I smiled. "Tina dinners...." my mom yelled again.

I cut her off "Yes I know" I shouted back.

I causally walked out of my average sized bedroom and down our wooden staircase before my mom had the chance to shout at me again. I took a deep breath and entered our kitchen.

I took a seat at the table laid out for three. My mom had her best china plates out and her silver cuttlery. The plates were White and had blue patterens on them.

My dad sat down in the seat oppisite me. Breath Tina breath I told myself. "So how's school?" my dad asked with genuine interest.

"I'm on summer holidays" I replied.

"I mean when your at school" he corrected himself.

"Well it's ok I guess but it can seriously suck sometimes!" I replied.

"Did you have exams last year?" he asked.

"She did a wonderful job" my mom interjected.

"Hey let me say. I was just about to tell him" it felt a bit odd. I didn't know what to call my dad. I guess dad seems the obvious thing to say but not growing up with him it didn't feel right. I wanted to call him by his name.

"That's brilliant" my dad was laughing.

"So mom why did you keep this from me? Or has it only happened recently?" I interjected.

"Keep what from you?"

"Your meetings with dad!"

"Oh that!" she smiled.

I nodded.

"Oh I didn't know how you'd react!"

"I can understand that" I laughed. I didn't react well to big changes.

"So how long has this fling been going on for now?" I questioned.

"This is our fourth date" my dad interjected.

"Have you had sex yet?" I openly asked.

"W-w-what!" my mum spat out the wine in her mouth in shock that I'd really just asked that. My dad went bright red like a tomatoe.

I laughed. "I'm just kidding! Eww I don't want to know about your sex life I was just joking."

My dad looked relieved and my mom just glared at me.

My mom walked back into the kitchen to finish dinner and I headed back upstairs to check my texts. She'd been yelling for dinner and it turns out everything was undercooked. My mom never was really too great at cooking.

I few minutes later I came back downstairs.

"Dinners servered" my mom said putting down a plate in front of myself and my dad. Then she joined us and sat down too. There were potatoes, carrots, green beans, salmon and rissoto on my plate.

Everyone ate in silence for a good five minutes like it usally is when it's just me and my mom, untill my dad broke the silence.

"This is delicious Michelle!"

"Actually it was Tina"

"Oh sorry Tina!"

"It's fine. Mom helped" I said.

"Is there dessert mom?" I asked hopefully as a pudding fan.

"Yeah sure, there's some ice cream in the freezer if you want to get it Hun" my mom told me.

"Are you kidding? Of course I want dessert. You know me!" I said rudely.

"Pudding fan huh" my dad stated more than a question.

"Yeah a nightmare" my mom added taking a sip of her red wine.

I walked out of the dining area and into the kitchen. I looked in the ice cold freezer. aaagghhh cookie dough, my beloved cookie dough ice cream I thought to myself as I took it out of the freezer. I wiped the frost off it with my hand and brought it back to the table we were sitting at.

"Tina, come and sit down there's something your dad and I need to tell you" my mom said as she gestured for me to come and sit down. Is my mom pregnant? Is she engaged? Is my dad coming to live with us? Are we going to live with my dad? All those thoughts whizzed through my mind and I had butterflys in my stomach.

What was she going to tell me?.........


Okay so I've edited chapters two and three coz I hated them and I've combined them together to

Make chapter 3.

Please Vote comment and Fan coz I've put so much hard work into this book in the past few days rearranging, rewriting and editing chapters.

Thanks :)

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