A different side to Jim

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"T can we please just sort this out?" Matt asked.

"Hi mom.......yeah can you come pick me up?" I asked over the phone.

"Sure Hun, what's wrong?" my mom asked down the phone. I could tell she was worried.

"Nothing mom" I lied.

"Hmm where are you?"

"Labino, the new Italian restaurant in town!"

"Got it! I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Thanks mom!"

"Look it's over!" I said before Matt could speak again.

"I think your forgetting our little deal" Matt said with a grin spreading across his face.

It suddenly came back to me.

"If we breakup, you pay back everything I gave you and I tell everyone that you cheated on me!"

This couldn't be happening. I would never get rid of him. Why did I ever agree to this, I sighed.

"So?" Matt questioned.

"I haven't changed my mind."

"But you know what will happen.."

"Yes I am fully aware of the consequences and that's just a risk I'll have to take" I interjected.

"So basically we're over?"

"I don't know, just give me some time and space to think about this whole situation."

My moms car pulled up. I gave Matt one final look before turning to get into the car but there was someone sitting in the front.

"Jim?" I peered in.

Matt gave me a puzzled look. My mom wound down the window.

"Mom you can forget it I'm not getting in the car with him!"

"Sweetie just get in!" She glared at Matt.

Matt stayed silent.

"I think I'll make my own way home!" I yelled.

"T why can't you just be reasonable your moms trying to help you" Jim interjected.

"How dare you T me!"

"Look your my daughter as well you know now just get in the damn car!" Jim raised his voice.

"Fathers don't treat their daughters like dirt!" I yelled.

"T what is your problem?" Matt interjected.

"Just shutup all of you will you! The poor girl is confused!" My mom shouted. "Now Tina will you just stop being so immature and get in the car!"

I climbed into the crampt back of the car and Matt shut the door.

"Just remember our deal" he muttered to me.

We drove off and I didn't look back at him. I had finally fallen out of love with him for good! There was just one problem now, the consequences of breaking up with him. What was I supposed to do?

"What happened T?" my mom asked.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Which was true but also if I told my mom what had happened, I'd have to tell my mom that I wasn't really Matt's girlfriend.

"Fair enough" she smiled.

"And why is he here?" I angrily asked.

"As a matter of fact me and your mom were on a date in a restaurant in town but thanks to you it was wrecked!"

Paid to be fakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora