A surprise

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So here's the thing. The schools player Matt Carta has recently started paying me to be his fake girlfriend. The thing is though what happenes when the guy who is paying you to be your fake girlfriend is the guy your in love with? Well that's my problem, I've always had a crush on Matt since I started high school. Well to be honest I think all the girls do. He is gorgeous with his brown shaggy hair and blue eyes. He is so athletic and apparently he's got a six pack too but I've only heard that from rumours from girls at school who've slept with him but you can never trust the slutty ones.

My ringtone on my phone went off.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Tina it's Matt"

A grin spread across my face, I put my cutest voice I could do on.

"Hey Matt!"

"So I was just ringing to tell you that I couldn't get your pay in this weekend, it's been jam packed. Would it be okay to give it to you in school on Monday or would that be too risky?" he questioned.

"I'm sure that would be fine" I agreed.

"Right that's settled then I'll bring it to school on Monday.

My smile dropped a little. The phone call had almost ended. I didn't want this to happen. I tried to think of something I could say to make the conversation longer. My mind raced bur nothing came into my head.

"So what have you been up to this weekend?" I asked.

"Just sport I guess. Listen I've really got to go. Speak on Monday yeah! See you later!"

"Yeah bye" I sighed. The conversation had just ended and I had intended to make it longer but that hadn't happened.

I looked at the cooking I was fixing up.

"I'll put the potatoes on" I yelled from the kitchen to my mom who was upstairs.

"Ok Hun, I'll be down any minute now" she yelled back.

Sure enough my mom was down the stairs in a jffy.

"Wow you look amazing mom" I complimented.

She was wearing a strappless, black dress which dropped down to just above her knees and flat black pumps. Her glossy, brown hair was half down and half up. The layer on the top which was tied back was tied back with a fancy hair clip one I had bought her many  

years ago. My mom wore a pearl necklace and pearl earrings which looked amazing with her tanned skin. I was lucky enough to take after my mom with her good looks I could've ended up worse. 

"Really? Thanks sweetie. I'm sure you will too. Why don't you go upstairs and change, I'll finsh off the cooking. Besides a man likes a women who can cook" my mom said.

I laughed at that.

My moms new fella was coming round for dinner tonight and my mom wanted me to eat with them so I could get to know him.

I went upstairs and tried to find something smart but most of my clothes were casual. In the end I swapped the black skinny jeans I was wearing for a denim skirt and I swapped my tank top for a plain sleeveless white top. I also wore a black cardie and I slipped on a pair of black heals. I let my Curley, glossy brown hair loose from the scruff bun it was in and I brushed through it to get rid of any knots. Then I applied makeup and put on my charm braclet and some dangly earrings. After that I did my nails a coat of shiny, cherry red nail polish. Then I was ready.

The doorbell went so I went downstairs, took a deep breath and on the count of three I opened the door and there stood something I didn't expect to see.................


Okay so I've rewritten this. I didn't like my previous version. I felt like Tina was too cocky and maybe put people off reading on. Anyway I hope this is an improvement and I'm also going to be rewriting the next two chapters but don't worry the others will stay the same.

Don't you think I deserve a vote for rewriting haha. Nah thanks for reading I just appreciate all the feedback and constructive criticism! :)

P.S This is dedicated to Elephants4ever coz she won my competition! go check her work out like now, seriously she's amazing! Xx

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