Paid to be fake

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I looked in the mirror as covered my face heavily in makeup ready for the party this evening. I was standing next to my two best friends Ariadne and Nika.

"Tina can I borrow your eyeliner after you've used it?" Ariadne asked.


She looked offended. I smirked.

"Of course you can. You don't have to ask!"

I was wearing a black hotpants with a cropped lace top and wedges . I wobbled and almost fell over.

"Drunk before the party's even started?" Nika teased.

"haha" I said sarcastically.

"Nika can you curl my hair?!" I asked handing her the curling wand. She twisted it round my brunette locks and my hair fell down in ringlets.

"How do I look?" I asked dabbing some lip gloss onto my lips before doing a twirl.

"Beautiful!" both girls told me at once.

"So how are things going with Matt?" Nika questioned me.

"Fine why wouldn't they be?" I said getting defensive.  These girls mean the world to me and of course I've wanted to tell them so many times that Matt and I aren't for real and the it it's all one big fat lie but if word ever got out I think Matt would kill me.

"Alright, chill out, it was only a question" Nika replied.

"Can we please go now" Ariadne interjected.

"Yes Arii but we have to look perfect. We are slower than you getting ready!"


As we pulled up outside Sicilee Masons house we could hear music blaring. I hopped put the front and Arii got out the back while Nika went to park.

We walked up towards the giant mansion.

Inside there were so many people it was unreal. Ariadne and I made our way over to the drinks stand and I grabbed us each a beer.

"Here's to the beginning of what's going to be an amazing summer!" I toasted.

"Cheers" Arii said smiling.

I heard a deep voice coming from the within the swarm of people bouncing around "Hey babe"

I spun round. It was Matt. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Awhh you guys are so cute, I want a boyfriend" Arii moaned.  If only he was my boyfriend I thought to myself.

Already having downed my beer, I grabbed myself a second feeling thirsty all of a sudden.

My friend George was approaching.

"Eh George me man!" I grabbed him by the collar and embraced him.

"Oi stop touching other boys" Matt ordered.

"Okay no need to be touchy"

"Not touchy protective" Matt replied.

"I'm going to dance wanna come?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" Matt responded.

"See you later alligator" I said to George.

George blew me a kiss.  "Love ya George"

"Love you more" He winked and I laughed.

Matt put his arm over my shoulder and we bounced up and down in time with the music that played whilst drunk people surrounding us tripped and fell into us every so often.  At the end of the song I let go of Matt and made my way over to the corner where Nika was.

"Nika" I called.

"What?" She slurred before giggling hysterically meaning she was obviously not sober.

Liam a guy from school walked up to her and pressed his lips to hers.

She giggled again.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

She smiled.

Liam picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs. She waved at me.

Hmm I thought.

"Somebodys about to get some action" George creeped up on me.

"Crikes George, you made me jump!" I exclaimed. 

I looked at George for a moment, he was wearing a Hawiaan shirt and board shorts with flowers hanging from his neck even though it was not a fancy dress party.  Typical George!

"George what the hell are you wearing?"

"I'm getting in the summer spirit darling"

Matt appoached. 

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Sure" I responded although I was unsure as to why he wanted to leave with me.

"It's going to be one hell of a summer" a girl screamed as she ran past me.  Sure it is I thought to myself.  A boyfriend who isn't actually your boyfriend but just wants you for show, what more can a girl want?!


So you may've noticed that I've rewritten this several times now.  I haven't been on Wattpad for a year now and I just re read this first chaper and I really wasn't too happy with it so in the next few weeks I'll be working my way through each chapter and editing before hopefully finishing Paid to be Fake once and for all.  So thanks so much guys for continuing to support Paid to be Fake even though updates are unbelievebly slow but I promise to finish it in the coming months and be prepared because I've got some exciting new things coming out soon!

Btw, this is dedicated to Halfblood_Princess for coming 2nd in one of my competition! Seriously go check out her stuff, she is fab!

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