Ari and her problem

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I jumped into my car and raced down the highway. My phone started vibrating again in my pocket, I pulled it out.


"Hi" a voice squeaked down the phone.

"Ari I'll be there as soon as I can, but I really shouldn't be on the phone right now! I'm on my way, just hang on!"


I shut the phone and slid it back into my pocket. What was wrong with Ari! Maybe she is having relationship troubles with her boyfriend Harley.

I parked on her drive and leapt straight out the car, I didn't even bother knocking on the door, I just barged straight through.

Ari was sitting on the couch looking tearful and upset. I sat down next to her, wrapped my arms round her and craddled her. She started to cry.

"Talk" I ordered.

"I slept with George!" she blabbed out.

My mind went back to Jez. I felt guilty but not this guilty. I suddenly felt bad for not feeling guilty enough.

"Oh" I finally managed to say.

"What do I do" she sobbed.

"Oh Ari you silly girl!"

She looked up at me.

"The best thing you can do is tell Harley the truth. You have to have a honest relationship if you want to be with him" I told her.

"But if I tell him he'll go ballistic and never speak to me again."

"Maybe" I sighed. "But what would you rather, tell him the truth or lie to him from now on and feel guilty all the time?"

"I guess your right."

"I know I'm right, just trust me on this. Do you want me to come with you to tell him?" I asked.

"No it's something I've got to do by myself!"

"I'll be there if you want me to" I said sympathetically.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"Anyway, George! You slept with George? What were you thinking?" I exaggerated.

"It was at Matt's party. I was drunk."

"Yeah I guessed, I mean you wouldn't exactly pick George to have an affair with" I teased.

"Shutup Tina, I mean it! It's not an affair, it was purely accidental" she was angry.

"Soz bro!"

"That's ok now please can you go. I have to speak to Harley."

"Yes happily."

Ari glared at me.

"Opps sorry. I didn't mean it like that, it's just that I have a date with Matt tonight so I have to go and get ready" I grinned.

"Oooh where's he taking you?"

"New restaurant in town" I said excitedly.

"Have fun!"

"Will do and good luck to you" I said as I shut the front door behind me.

As I approached my house, I noticed my moms car wasn't on the drive. She was most likely visiting my so called dad.

I ate a quick snack before going to get ready. As I walked down the stairs in my floral dress which reached just above my knee I heard my mom enter the house.

"Hi sweetie"

"Hey mom"

"Where are you going honey? You look gorgeous!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks mom! I'm going on a date" I informed her.

She looked puzzled "Who with?"

"What's with the face? My boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me? Oh I want to meet him! How long have you been dating him? What does he look like? Give me every little detail!"

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd react like this!"

"React like what?" she questioned.

"Never mind."

I took a seat on the couch and switched the t.v on. It came up with some program about culture which I quickly got bored of and changed to a channel playing one of my favourite reality shows.

I picked up my phone and reread the message Matt had texted me earlier.

'I will pick you up at 7 sharp x' I smiled.

Ding dong dong dong ding.... The doorbell trailed off.

"I'm on it" mom yelled coming out the kitchen.

"No it's Matt mom" I whispered.

"So?" she questioned.

"Let me answer it, I won't have you embarrassing me!"

"I'm not going to, I just want to meet him" she beamed.

"Well he's not ready for that and neither am I" I said getting annoyed.

"I don't care I'm on it!" my mom shouted.

"No mom" I screamed, angry now.

"What's the big deal!"

My mom walked over to the door and started to open it I shoved her away but she barged her way back in front of me.

"Mom stop it!" I ordered.

I opened the door, my mom still standing there. Matt stood in the doorway looking as hot as usual.

"Wow" she gasped as she scanned him up and down.

"Ok mom bye" I glared at her.

Luckily she took this as a warning and walked away.

"Sorry" I apologised.

"No problem" he smiled and his teeth glistened.

Matt stood there with a single Rose in his hand.

"I bought this for you" he blushed.

"Thank you" I said taking the pretty Rose off him.

"I know it's corny but....."

"Well I think it's dead sweet! It's not corny at all. I love it, thank you!" I interjected.

"Anytime. May I?" he offered his hand.

"You may" I said taking his hand.

"You haven't complimented me yet!" I faked a puppy dog face.

"I think your forgetting this is a unofficial date" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.


I'm so sorry this is late guys :/ I will do everything I can to make sure the next chapter is posted on time!

Ooh date next chapter :O exciting!!

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