I - Moving In

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Your POV:

Your eyes flickered open, the bright sunlight shining through your childhood bedroom. Today was the day, finally.

You were only a fresh seventeen-year-old, but you trusted yourself, and your parents did too. You were finally moving in with your childhood friend, Tomathy. Well, you called him Tomathy, since Tom seemed too mature for him. You two met when you were in kindergarten, you hit it off very quickly, even for six-year-olds. You did everything together, and you two promised to never leave each other sides and not keep secrets. You went through high school together and made sure you went to college together. 

You got up from your bed, which only had a blanket on it. Your bedding was packed in boxes, ready to go. It was only 9 am, which was very early for you, but you were ecstatic. You double-checked your boxes and made sure that you packed every single thing. You changed out of your pyjamas, stuffing them in your backpack, and threw on a flannel and jeans, with a few accessories. You tamed your H/L, H/C hair and smoothed out the pleats on your shirt and headed downstairs to grab something to eat.

"Well, you're up early," Your sister looked at you suspiciously.

"I can't wait, and I have all the time in the world anyway," You responded, pouring yourself a bowl of cereal.

"Yeah you have all the time in the world so take your time," Your older brother called back.

You were the middle child. Your brother still refused to move out, even though he was almost done with school, he was just over a year older than you. Your sister was still a high school student, she was only two years younger than you. You had an ok relationship with the both of them, you still fought sometimes though.

"You're eating all of my food before you leave?" Your mom walked into the kitchen in her robe.

You scooped a spoonful of cereal into your mouth nodding.

"Come here," she said, coming forward to hug you, "I'm so proud of you."

You finished your cereal and gave your siblings hugs, and they were both very skeptical. You grabbed the boxes of your belongings, one by one, packing them into your car. Your brother helped you carry the heavier boxes, even though you assured him that you were fine.

"Jesus! This one's, like, actually super heavy," your brother came out with the last box.

"What's it labelled?" You asked, running to help him carry it.


Yes, that would be the heaviest box. It was your entire computer setup. You were a streamer on Twitch, you had a stable following, but you weren't famous, which was fine with you, you enjoyed playing games with an audience. You had dreamed of doing it when you were younger, and you started saving money just before you turned fifteen. This was the major thing that you were worried about. You didn't want Tomathy to know that you were a streamer, but it was a small studio apartment so that would be hard to hide.

You put the last box into your car, trying to not have to put it in the front seat. You made sure you could still see out the rear window and went back inside to grab your backpack. Your dad had just gotten out of bed to say his goodbyes. Your parents were proud of you, your siblings were too but didn't want to show it. You grabbed your backpack and waved your final goodbyes, starting up your car.

Tommy's POV:

I drove through downtown. The boxes of my stuff barely all fit in my car, I had to put a box in the passenger seat. I was super excited, but also a little worried. I was a streamer, I had a pretty good following, but I had never told Y/N. I didn't want to, I figured it was better to keep it a secret so they wouldn't end up spilling it to their other friends. I know we promised each other not to keep secrets from each other, but this was really important to me, it was how I pitched in to buy our apartment. Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciated my viewers who helped me, I just didn't want to tell Y/N because... well I don't know why.

I finally drove up to the apartment building, through the driveway and into the parking garage. I checked my notes on my phone, I put the apartment number in there earlier so I wouldn't forget. I had the keys, so I grabbed my duffel bag and headed to my new home.

There were quite a few flights of stairs; there was a small elevator, barely big enough to fit one of my boxes. I went in the elevator and up to the floor we were on, the floor was a bit high up. Great, I have quite a few trips to make.

When I got to the room and unlocked the door, I took a deep breath. I wasn't that nervous, Y/N hadn't arrived yet, so what was there to be nervous for? It was just an apartment... a shared apartment with Y/N... why did that part make my stomach do flips?

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