IV - Breakfast

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Tommy's POV:

When I woke up I didn't think much of it. I stared at my computer across from my bed, I realized that my laptop wasn't sitting where it usually did, in fact, it was sitting at my feet, open and off. I realized that I had left my lamp on. I sat up a bit and looked over, Y/N and I had fallen asleep watching the movie. It was fine, that happened all the time, but they seemed so peaceful and I really didn't want to wake them. It was around 9 am, I wanted to sleep in a bit, unlike how I could yesterday. I laid my head back down and started to doze off but I was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. I panicked for a moment, this hadn't happened in all the years that I knew Y/N, so I wasn't used to it. I took a few, quiet breaths before dozing off again.

<time skip from your local sleepy boi>

Your POV:

Your eyes slowly opened, all you could see was Tomathy's back, the soft warm fabric against your cheek. You smiled, knowing you had fallen asleep after you watched the movie. You couldn't really feel your arms seen as you had just woken up, they had that tingly feeling that made them feel like they weren't there. Slowly, you could feel your arms again, and you quickly realized that your arms were wrapped around your best friend. You've never done this with him before, so it startled you. You gently sat up, pulling your arms back and carefully went out to the kitchen to make breakfast.

That's when you remembered, you had only picked up things for lunch and dinner. You hadn't even thought about breakfast yesterday. You planned to go to the store and just get a box of pancake mix, so you went into your room and changed into some sweats. 

You were just about to leave before thinking. What if Tomathy wondered where you were? You didn't say anything because he was asleep and you didn't want to wake him. You went back into your room and pulled out a little sticky note, writing 'went to the store brb' and then walked into Tomathy's room. He was still fast asleep, although it was nearly 12:30, one of his hands hung over the side of his bed and the other was resting palm-up next to his face. You carefully placed the paper in his hand and then went out the door.

You went down to the garage and started up your car, driving to the grocery store.

Tommy's POV:

I heard the front door shut and woke up again. Y/N wasn't next to me, actually, they were gone. I sat up and felt something in my hand, it felt like a piece of paper. I opened my hand and noticed I had crumpled a small sticky note. I recognized Y/N's handwriting, they had gone to the store, I assumed to get something for breakfast. I stood up and realized I was still in my outfit from yesterday. Oh well, I figured I could do a morning stream and play a bit of Minecraft. I turned on my PC and wrote on a sticky note, sticking on the door. I didn't want Y/N to come back and walk in on me streaming.

I clicked the 'go live' button and greeted everyone. I got right into it, jumping onto Hypixel and playing some Bedwars. I told a few stories, some were about Y/N. Actually, all of them were about Y/N. Who could blame me? I've known them my whole life and they were there for most of my life events. I made sure to switch their name because I don't think they'd appreciate me exposing them.

Just as I had finished the third story, I heard the front door shut. I prayed that Y/N wouldn't knock on my door, and luckily, I heard them put something on the counter. Whatever they got for breakfast, they were probably going to start making it. I continued playing, and I ended up winning, as I always do.

"Oh, now that I think about it, chat," I said, adjusting my headphones, "The person I've been talking about, I live with them!"

I saw some questions go by, but I didn't get a chance to read them because the chat blew up. It blew up more than usual.

"They don't know I'm a streamer, chat," I said, quietly chuckling at a few jokes.

I continued playing a few more rounds, talking a bit quieter now. Just as I won another round, I heard a knock on my door.

I felt my eyes widen and I felt a surge of panic, "Hang on! Don't come in!"

I got up from my chair and went to open my door just a crack. There stood Y/N with a plate of pancakes decorated with fruit, syrup, chocolate chips, they looked delicious. Y/N smiled and handed me the plate.

"I figured I'd let you play," They said in a soft tone, "Don't get it on your computer though." Y/N giggled. They did that sometimes, acting as a parent, even though I was just a few days older than them.

"Thank you N/N," I smiled and patted their head. That was also something we did, although Y/N was Y/H. It was our sign of affection, we probably did head pats more than hugs, and those were the closest Y/N and I would get to each other.

I ran back over to my desk and put the plate next to my keyboard. "I got pancakes, chat." I showed the stream my plate of pancakes. I saw a few messages commenting on the nickname I had given Y/N. I chuckled, "I wasn't paying attention there, oops. But yes I do call my friend that."

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