X - Dinner

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Your POV:

You belly-flopped onto the bed in the hotel room. San Diego was always a sight, and you could see it perfectly out your window. You sighed into the pillows, jet-lagged and absolutely exhausted.

"Y/N..." Tommy sighed.

You hummed in response.

"I have to sleep in that bed too, move over," Tommy grumbled, his voice ringing with sleep deprivation that was all too familiar.

You sluggishly rolled over onto the edge of the bed, letting Tommy lay down as well.

"Don't we have to go to dinner?" You sighed.

You planned to have supper at a restaurant down the street with Wilbur and a few other members of the SMP. You had landed in San Diego about an hour ago, and you still had your coat on from the ride to the hotel. Dinner was at 7 pm and it was 6:30, you had to freshen up and drive five minutes to the restaurant.

"I'm going to freshen up," You heaved yourself off of the bed, "Don't fall asleep on me."

You grabbed your suitcase from the entryway and pulled out a different outfit and a bit of makeup, walking into the bathroom to put it all on. You pulled off the outfit that you wore on the plane and slipped on the tighter fit, more presentable one. You applied some makeup to your liking and opened the door to see Tommy in a different outfit as well, surprisingly ready to go.

"Wow that's a first," You smirked, grabbing your coat just in case.

Tommy giggled and followed you out the door, grabbing the key and slipping it in his pocket. You headed down to the front desk and ordered a taxi to get to the restaurant. While you were waiting, someone called Tommy's name.

"YO child!" A familiar Scottish accent shouted.

Both of you turned to see a warmly familiar face walking next to his wife.

"PHILLL!!" Tommy stood up and greeted the two, meanwhile, you shyly stood behind him.

"Hello Tommy," Phil laughed, "And this is the famous Y/N!"

You gave a little smile and a wave. Phil's hair looked way different in person than it did on stream.

"Tommy talks too much about you," Phil said casually while fighting against Tommy, who didn't want him to say that.

You laughed and looked over to Phil's wife.

"Hello, you must be Kristin," You greeted warmly.

Kristen nodded and gave a very sweet smile. You started chatting while the dad and the child were fighting off to the side. You all agreed to share a taxi and when it arrived, you all comfortably took your seats, Phil in the front, and you sitting in between Tommy and Kristen. You and Kristen were still talking a lot, you got along very well.

"Say hello to the vlog N/N," Tommy said in his well-known voice, pointing a phone camera in your face.

"Tommy, are you even going to post this one?" You laughed.

Tommy laughed, the camera still pointed at your face. You waved to the camera reluctantly, smiling; you were already having a lot of fun.

Once the taxi dropped you all off at the restaurant, you headed inside to see someone standing in the entry, blocking the view of the tables so you couldn't see if you're friends were here yet.

"Excuse me, sir," You muttered, trying to see inside.

Suddenly, Tommy laughed at you, and you turned around to glare at him.

"Y/N," Tommy was still in a laughing fit, "Y/N look up at the man you just-"

You sighed in annoyance, now was not the time, but you looked up at the person you just tried to move past. You were shocked to see a familiar face.

"Oh, I didn't see you there Wilbur!" You laughed along with Tommy, Wilbur laughed as well.

"I was waiting for you guys," Wilbur giggled, he greeted you and gave you a quick hug, grabbing a table for everyone else that was coming.

Shortly after you sat down at the table, next to Tommy of course, everyone else arrived. George came with Dream, then there was Karl and Quackity, Sapnap, Niki, Eret, and Fundy. You reserved a very big table, and everyone was chatting and messing around, it felt very nice to be with such a big group. You were still tired from the plane ride, everyone else was too, you casually leaned your head onto Tommy's shoulder and sighed. Of course, it was great to be with a big group, but that didn't mean it wasn't the slightest bit overwhelming. Everyone's voices started to become very muffled as you fell half-asleep, but you could hear people going "aw" around the table and couldn't help a small tint rising on your cheeks. Without warning, Tommy gently put his arm around you, rubbing his fingers on the side of your arm. Not wanting to open your eyes, you gave a small smile.

<time skip>

"Y/N, the food's here," Tommy shook you awake.

You sat up, not realizing you had fallen asleep. You looked on the table in front of you to see a plate of food that you didn't order and a drink.

"I didn't-"

Tommy smiled, "I ordered what I thought you'd want."

You smiled, he knew you too well, he ordered you a glass of your favourite soda and some food that looked very appealing to your eye. Seeing that everyone else was still in the middle of eating, you dug in, and it was delicious.

"Were you tired Y/N?" Dream asked a few seats away from you.

You nodded in response, still eating your food, you didn't realize how hungry you were. You heard Dream laugh about something with George and Karl. It was so nice, a really comforting thing to be sitting by your friends.

Time seemed to fly like the plane ride there; before you knew it, the sun had set outside the windows and people were getting ready to go back to their hotels. Wilbur, Dream and Tommy stayed the longest while you found yourself asleep on Tommy's shoulder again. You were in very light sleep, you could still kind of hear the four of them chatting.

"So Tommy I'm confused," Wilbur said softly to not wake you up, "Are you and Y/N..?"

"What? Nonono," Tommy hissed, "We're just friends."

"Are you sure?" Dream asked suspiciously, "You seem pretty comfortable with each other."

You felt Tommy shake his head gently. They said a few more things that caused him to shake his head more. You had no choice but to be woken up by this.

"Oh, Y/N I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Tommy asked genuinely, he brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes.

"Tommy this is what I mean," Dream stifled a laugh.

You acted dumbfounded, but you knew what he meant, you tried your best to hold back the burning red that was boiling under your cheeks.

"What time is it?" You asked, yawning.

Tommy told you the time, which was pretty late, you all agreed to head back to your hotels and meet at the con in the morning. Once you got in the taxi, you were completely out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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