II - Furniture Shopping

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Your POV:

You pulled into the parking garage and saw Tomathy's car in his spot. Oh boy, he was already here, why was that so nerve-wracking? Oh well, you parked your car and grabbed your backpack, you wanted to see the path to your place before grabbing a box. You headed through the lobby, which was impressive. It had a high ceiling and a nice chandelier with a few couches underneath the lights. There were a lot of stairs, and you went into the small elevator up to your floor. You smiled to yourself when you got a burst of excitement again, you couldn't wait to live with Tomathy, even if there would now be bills to pay and neighbours to keep track of. Right... neighbours, another reason to stay quiet while you were streaming.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. You walked down the hallway to your room. You turned the doorknob, assuming it was unlocked because Tomathy was already here.

You walked into the apartment and felt a wave of relief wash over you. There was a wide window overlooking the city that you lived in, the floor space in front of the window looked to be a tv sitting area. Next to the door, to your left, was a small kitchen, it was homey and you could already imagine the food you'll make with your best friend. Just next to the kitchen was a short hallway that had two doors to two bedrooms. To your right was the bathroom. You looked around smiling and saw Tomathy standing in front of the window. You ran over to hug him in excitement, even though you saw each other a few days ago.

"I can't believe it, oh my god," You said.

"We're free!" Tomathy joked.

You were finally out of the grips of your parents, you could make your own decisions and eat whatever you wanted to for breakfast. You could hang out with Tomathy every day without having a curfew. It was everything you had been waiting for.

You claimed your rooms, making sure you had a good idea of how to organize your room, keeping in mind your computer and streaming stuff. You both went down to your cars and started taking your boxes up to your room. Luckily, there was a second elevator around the corner, so you and Tomathy didn't have to take turns with the one.

<time skip>

By the time you were both unpacked and organized, it was nearly 11 o'clock and most stores were closed. You wanted to have groceries in the apartment, but it was too late to make dinner.

"Pizza?" Tomathy asked, standing in the doorway.

You nodded, grinning. You went ahead and ordered a pizza, you both liked the same toppings, so it wasn't difficult.

You laid out the pieces of your bed to put it all back together in your new room. You took it apart just before you put your boxes in your car. It didn't take long to put it all together, it was pretty easy. Once you put your bed together and put the bedding on it again, you reassembled your desk and computer setup. Tomathy knew you had a computer like this, you played games together all the time, he just didn't know you streamed. You heard him in the other room putting his stuff together too.

You realized you didn't have any furniture other than you're beds and desks, so you planned to go with Tomathy to get a couch, table, chairs, everything you two needed.

Once the pizza arrived and you had both finished it, you went to bed. That night was pretty uneventful, just moving in. Tomorrow would be super fun; it's been a while since you went shopping with Tomathy.

Tommy's POV:

<next morning>

"Tomathy, come on!" Y/N called for the third time. We were going shopping for furniture and picking up breakfast at McDonald's. I could hear them at the door with their shoes on, but I was still half-asleep in bed. I reached over to my phone and checked the time, it was 10 am. "Y/N why do you have to be up so early?" I whined.

I sighed and swung my legs over the side of the bed, I walked over to my duffel and pulled out an easy outfit. Just a hoodie and jeans, I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out of my room. Y/N was standing at the door in a much better outfit than mine, wallet and phone in hand. I sighed again and put on my shoes and followed them down to the garage.

The morning was pretty uneventful just like last night. We had breakfast and then went to a few places trying out couches and seats.

"N/N how about this one?" I kept nagging about a big gamer couch. You know, the ones with cupholders and little cabinets and they also have footrests. I knew we definitely couldn't afford it. Y/N rolled their eyes whenever I joked about one, but they also promised that we might get one in the future, so there was hope.

We sat on different couches, testing the comfort. We came across a nice, grey couch that would match the kitchen and the walls of the apartment. After a bit of discussion, we bought one, putting the box in Y/N's car. We also found a dining table and chairs that would also match the kitchen, it was a light wood with cushioned dining chairs that were also grey. We got a few other necessities and agreed that we could wait on the tv, besides, we both had huge PC's that we could watch Netflix on for the time being.

Although furniture shopping was rather underwhelming, it was still nice to walk around with Y/N. They were a fun person, and they got easily distracted by something colourful or decorative, which was funny and a bit cute. I didn't think they were cute in that kind of way... it just reminded me of when we were younger. When we didn't have a care in the world and only cared about finding dragons in the forest.

We finished up our shopping and grabbed some frozen dinners from the grocery store. We were running a little low on money, and although we had our savings for the bills, we still shouldn't have spent so much in one day. By the time we had gotten home, it was around 4 pm. I had nearly forgotten that I wanted to stream today, but I wanted to flop onto my bed. Maybe I'll do that on stream actually, for content I guess.

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