VII - TommyInnit?

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Your POV:

Tommy went to shower and you took the opportunity to start streaming. You sat up on your bed, thinking for a moment. 

He was sleep-deprived, so he didn't remember, right? You were just friends, best friends who moved in together and wanted to spend the rest of your life with. It almost sounded like marriage, but it wasn't! Just two best friends... two best friends.

"Just two best friends..." You thought out loud, rubbing your temples, "Just friends..."

You got dressed and grabbed something to eat, some leftover pancakes from yesterday. You turned on your computer and started setting up to stream. You put a little post-it note on your door, just like Tommy had yesterday, writing to not come in.

You hopped onto the server, touching up your house and eventually going mining. You talked with your chat while you mined, and it was a chill stream. Some people asked you questions, some were about the SMP and some were about other things. You weren't really sure what you were mining for, you didn't have a big reaction to diamonds like other people did. You were sitting in a vc just in case someone wanted to come to talk to you, and you just talked to yourself, well, you technically talked to your stream. You laughed at a few things that people spammed in your chat.

"Hello!" You heard someone say very suddenly. You jumped, not expecting anyone to joining so quickly.

"Hello, who is this?" You responded after taking a quick breath.

"My name's Wilbur," The person said sweetly, "Tubbo told me about you."

You and Wilbur talked for a while. You came out of your strip-mine and were running around the SMP just talking to people when they came along. Wilbur was very fun to talk to. He was very sweet and he made sure you felt welcome, almost as sweet as Tubbo was. A few people were online, including Dream, Sapnap and about 4 other people. Tubbo joined the call after a while, he joined you and Wilbur messing around with people's stuff. You three were messing around with some of Dream's stuff until you saw a name pop up on the screen.

TommyInnit joined the game

"Who's that?" You asked. You knew it sounded familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

"Oh, another new person!" Tubbo exclaimed. He sounded very excited.

You fell very silent, you were trying to remember where you heard that name. You couldn't remember where you had heard the user, your brain was kind of focused on Minecraft at the moment, so your life decided to disappear from your memories. Your chat started to notice your silence, so did Wilbur and Tubbo.

'are they ok?' 'do they know the guy?' 'OMG TOMMYINNIT' 'HOLY CRAP TOMMY'

The messages flew by your screen quickly. Clearly, some of your viewers knew who he was. "Chat do you know who that is? I know I've heard that somewhere..."

'u don't know tommyinnit???' 'he has a few million followers!!'

"N/N will you be ok for a moment while Tubbo and I welcome this new member?" Wilbur said after letting you think.

"Uh yeah..." You nodded and decided to find more decorations for your house.

There was cool wood in the Nether, so you went there. You watched the messages fly by as you went to find a portal. There was a big portal branched off of the prime path, and you ran there making sure you had all the necessary things. You went through the portal, went searching for soul sand and a blue biome so you could make your house with cool blue decorations. 

"Ugh..." you groaned after the thoughts kept running through your head, "I know I've heard that name, chat. All memories have been thrown out the window..." you laughed awkwardly.

After nearly being killed by a ghast, you ran back to the overworld. When you stepped through the portal, people were standing in front of it, just looking. Wilbur and Tubbo stood there with a boy in a red and white shirt.

"I swear chat!" You leaned back in your chair, "I've seen this person somewhere, oh my god!"

You went back to your house and started to make it look cool. The warped stem changed colour, so it was an interesting addition to your home.

"Y/N, we're back!" You heard Tubbo rejoin the call.

"Hello Y/N," Wilbur said, "I want to introduce you to Tommy!"

You heard the beep of one more person joining the call, but they were silent. You were confused and silent for a moment before starting a conversation with Tommy. "Hello..."

You heard Tommy stutter, "What did you say your name was?"

"Uhm..." You hesitated, his voice was shockingly familiar, "My name's Y/N, but you can call me N/N..."

That's when it hit both of you. Your eyes widened, your chat started to flip out, and Wilbur and Tubbo were asking many questions. You let go of your mouse and keyboard, putting you hands up as if you were surrendering, scooting your chair back towards the wall. Your mouth was hanging open, you tilted your head in shock and then stood up.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Wilbur asked. You could tell he was now watching your stream.

You heard Tubbo frantically typing in his keyboard and clicking some buttons, he might've pulled up a stream, but who's?

You walked out of your room, seeing that Tomathy's door was closed. It was a very narrow hallway, but the longer you stared at his door, the wider the hallway seemed. Walking over to his door, you hovered your hand over the doorknob before entering without knocking. His room was illuminated by coloured lights around his computer, and a lamp was on by the door. You stood in the doorway, just staring at him. He had turned his chair to face the door, and you were off to the side so his camera couldn't see you. He looked into your eyes as if conversing through blinks. There he sat, a stream going, his headphones on, Minecraft open, discord open as well, he was on the call with Wilbur, Tubbo, and... you. It was weird to see your icon even though you'd seen it a million times.

"Tommy what are you..." Tubbo mumbled, clearly watching Tommy's stream, Wilbur shushed him before he could ruin anything.

You stretched your arms out, motioning for him to hug you. There was a long hesitation, he just kept staring into your eyes. You could see the tears clouding your vision, and you could feel your face going red with emotion. He stood up and came forward, holding you tightly, nestling his face in your neck.

"I didn't mean to lie to you... I was scared you'd look at me differently..." Tommy mumbled into your neck.

"So was I, Tomathy..." You drew circles on his back when you felt him tremble a bit.

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