Its the Place Where I was Born

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I know you might be tired of all this back story from me, but what can I say? I had an interesting life. At least, I think so.

Now I'm going to tell you about growing up. Is that too straight forward to you? Too bad. I don't have time to dance around my words. I need to get to the point as soon as possible. Anyway, to my childhood.

It was hard growing up in a moldy house with no adult tending to you, no? That's how Christophe and I felt, but that statement wasn't really the truth.

When Chris and I were left at Grimmauld, Kreacher made sure to clean the entire house. Wallburga was silent, hoping she could bend and mold us to be just like her, and also, adults were watching us.

Everyday, a ministry official would stop by before breakfast and leave after bedtime to watch us. Now you might be confused, and I understand. They did everything they could to write me out of history, and this is an example. They told you that Grimmauld Place was hidden and nobody could get in except for the Order, right? Well, they lied. Grimmauld Place was hidden from muggles, but if you knew the location, then you could enter without problem.

So how did the Ministry learn the location?

That's an easy question. My mother told them

It happened when she was leaving. She owled Cornelius Fudge how to get in there. And he did, but that didn't happen until after the Sirius "killed" all of those muggles. How else would they catch him so fast?

We weren't discovered until after Sirius was thrown into Azkaban. Ministry officials were raiding the house, not unlike death eaters, and they stumbled upon Christophe's and my room.

Of course, nobody knew what to do, so they called Fudge, who would've been useless had he not gotten my mother's letter.

For some reason, she wanted us to stay in that house, and it was in her will. The Minister discussed it and since they couldn't do anything about it, they let us stay in the house. On one condition. Someone would come watch us everyday to monitor us and our magic, if we had any. Which we did. The most frequent visitors were Rufus Scrimgeor, Delores Umbrige, Barty Crouch, and the Minister of Magic himself, Cornelius Fudge. Sometimes we were visited by Aurors, but it wasn't very often. Also, to calm your curiosity, I had never seen an Unspeakable until 7th year.

A few weeks after being found, Barty Crouch noticed that Christophe was sick. He didn't want to take any chances, so he took both of us to the children's ward of St. Mungo's.

They checked Christophe first, and they had unfamiliar results.

Then, they checked me. Same results.

The Healers were flustered. How could they deal with an unknown sickness?

They couldn't. So, they told Crouch to come back in a few weeks, so they could run some tests. And he did.

After extensive testing of both magical and muggle sicknesses, They were still confused. Weeks of time wasted on finding a cure for a possibly deadly disease. Then, one genius got it right.

He had a theory that it was a mix between a muggle and magical disease. And he hit it right on the mark.

We were tested for many muggle and magical diseases ccombined, and they found a match.

It was a mix between the magical disease Ague, and the muggle disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Ague was curable, but when combined with an incurable disease like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, that didn't matter.

This just made life so much harder. Christophe and I were fed a lot of potions and pills each day. At the time we didn't know as they mixed it in with our meals, but nonetheless. Life went on.

We were put into muggle schools, and we were also taught by the ministry.

Crouch taught us languages. By the time I was five, I was fluent in seven languages and Chris was fluent in 10.

Umbridge taught us etiquette that every Pureblood should know. Grandma Wallburga helped her. I still didn't like either of them. Neither did Chris, but let's just say we were great actors.

Scrimgeor, the most frequent auror visitor, gave us a lot of safety talks, and he warned us not to be evil. They weren't really helpful seeing as we were children, and children don't listen.

Fudge taught us politics. Also, not very helpful until later, but he tried. It sunk in later.

Also, Chris and I got to go on many trips. Mainly to different countries with Fudge and Crouch, but every year, Ludo Bagman would take us to see the Quidditch World Cup.

Those were great times, and then we got separated. Chris was 11, and it was time for him to go to Hogwarts. I was alone, until Chris's condition got worse. He never finished an entire year at Hogwarts.

I hate my birthday.

Hey guys, I'm back and this is one of the chapters I promised today. You're getting two more, but just hold on because I haven't written them yet, but don't expect anything half-assed because even if it takes 5 hours, I want to give you my best work. I'll stay up until 11:57 just so I could finish writing and posting before that. Enjoy.


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