A Sublime Eternal Tune

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The potion was finished Christmas morning. I was woken up by Hermione when she went to to the finishing touches to it and then it was done. We went to get Ron and Harry immediately after. It was both pleasant and unpleasant at the same time. It took months to finish, so we were glad it was done, but I had to be Parkinson, who, unfortunately stayed over break. At least I get to knock her out.

We didn't really worry about the potion after that. It was Christmas, so we did what everyone does on Christmas. We opened presents.

The gifts that I gave out were expensive albeit meaningful, well, kinda.

I'd gotten Ron a custom glass wizarding chess set with his name on it in a gold script. He'd been wanting a custom set for years, and I know his taste very well, so I got it for him. Harry and Hermione were a little harder to get gifts for because I didn't know them for quite as long, but I figured it out eventually. For Hermione was a 1000 page book about wizarding urban legends around the world because I saw how she got when she tried to figure out about the Chamber of Secrets which was mentioned briefly in the book. It was decorated ornately with jewels and all and it was quite heavy, but Hermione picked it up with ease. I got Harry a recipe book for pastries from wizarding communities around the world. One time, he said something about cooking and baking being relaxing for him*, so why not. I got Neville some Loquat seeds because once I had gotten him Loquat jam from China and he loved it, so now that he has the seeds, he can grow them and make the jam himself. It was also perfectly suited for London's weather, so he didn't have to use any weather charms.

The gifts that were for me from my friends were really thoughtful. It made me feel that I had overdone myself a bit, and not in a good way, but It seemed like they enjoyed their presents. The gift I got from Ron was a book on muggle cars. Like his father, I was interested in muggle things, so he had a lot of muggle stuff lying around his house, and I really liked cars, so it was the perfect gift. Neville gave me a Moonflower. The wizarding kind that is white during the day, but at night changes color at different moon cycles. Hermione got me a muggle science book. One day, I saw her reading one of those, and she told me that she wanted to catch up with her muggle education. I got interested and I asked her if she could teach me, so she does now. Harry got me a painting of a dog. It was a muggle painting and he knew I liked dogs.

The rest of the day was just build up for this little recon mission. Dealing with Crabbe and Goyle was easy. All it took was some pastries and a broom cupboard. Pansy, however, took a little more effort. I had to sneak into the greenhouse for some flowers and then write a note in Draco's handwriting so that we could catch her in unawares near McGonagall's classroom. Then, we had to knock her unconscious and put her in a nearby empty classroom. I almost got caught three times. Once by Sprout, once by McGonagall, and once by Filch. The troubles I have to go through just to keep this idiot out of her common room.

When it was finally time, we had all taken our potions, and let me tell you, Pansy tasted dreadful. The transformation was a success, though.I couldn't say the same for Hermione. She didn't even leave the stall.

Ron and Harry left first to catch up with Malfoy, and I stayed a little behind them, so that I could hear the password to the common room. It was Pureblood. It must be extremely challenging to get into their common room.

Anyway, I did what I had to do. I hung over Draco in a very Pansy-esque way, then I snuck into the second year boys' dormitory. I looked through Draco's things, and I found nothing. Either he was good at hiding things or he didn't have anything to make him look like he had something to do with the Chamber of Secrets. I put his stuff back the way he was because Draco was one of those people who knew where all of their things were and if anything was out of place he would get suspicious.

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