No One Knows When They Began

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The year was passing by quickly. It was almost time for holiday, and a few things happened. Well, more than just a few. Many of our lessons were uneventful. Except for one. You already know what I'm going to talk about, but this is something that I actually want to talk to you in my perspective. Potions.

Walking into the first lesson was something I was quite unprepared for. Chris didn't much warn me of the class. All he told me was to be wary of the Professor. I, obviously, didn't know what that meant, so I walked into the dark room in the dungeon, expecting a normal lesson. Sadly, that didn't happen. Many things didn't go my way, but I had to roll with the punches.

The first thing that I didn't enjoy was the seating arrangements. Professor Snape created a seating chart, but you obviously didn't know that. Yes, he did, but that isn't the worst part. I was stuck next to know-it-all Granger. She spent the entire lesson answering all of the questions, and when it was time to make a potion for our own, she tried to commandeer mine. Mind you, this wasn't a group project. We were instructed to work alone, but she got me detention for cheating even though I was clearly working by myself.

The next thing that wasn't desirable was the Slytherins. This was our first lesson with them, and It was just my luck that Malfoy was one of them. His nose was up the entire time as he taunted us. I wonder how his neck doesn't collapse from holding his big head up all day. At first, most of his insults were directed at Neville. He tried to poke fun at me (it wasn't very fun if I'd say so myself) but I ignored him. Its apparent that his father hasn't trained him well enough. Anyway, back to his badgering.

Once he was tired of Neville, he moved on to Harry. I don't know his problem with Harry. Probably jealousy. It dosen't matter. I wanted to say something to him, but by then, I'd already gotten a detention, so I kept quiet.

The last thing, and certainly the least (favorable) was the Professor himself. He seemed to have quite a bit of house pride. Being the head of the Slytherin House, it makes sense to favor it a little more than others, but only a little. Evidently, Professor Snape's little was substantially larger than Professor McGonagall's. He was a nightmare for us Gryffindors (especially Harry, I don't know his problem either). He took every chance to take away house points and he was more than glad to give me a detention. He almost smiled.

With that said, the rest of the first day of school was uneventful.

Flash forward to Halloween.

By this time, everyone was tired of eachother. I ignored people as best as possible. I stayed out of detention, and I tried not cross anyone. Or rather, no one tried to cross me.

Neville was having trouble with his classes, and even though I offered help, he preferred the help of Hermione. What a traitor, right? I got over it. Neville didn't mean any harm, he just wanted the best help, so he went to her. At the end of the day, Neville was still my friend, so for his sake, I tolerated Hermione. I made conversation with her occasionally, and she became an acquaintance of mine, rather than an annoyance. It made Potions a lot easier.

Speaking of Potions, it didn't get any easier for Harry. Malfoy was still Malfoy and Snape was still Snape. Their behavior was so similar. It makes sense, Snape is Malfoy's godfather, after all.

Back to Harry, he'd gotten into trouble a few times, but it wasn't a big deal. I became a better friend of his and so did Ron. We were always hanging out together plus Hermione. She was always around, but I didn't know why. Ron, as usual, only had quidditch on his mind, so a portion of every conversation was dedicated to his favorite team, the Chudley Cannons. Naturally, he started all of those conversations. I never mentioned it, but I wasn't really a fan of the Cannons. Harry didn't really care. He didn't know much about Quidditch teams, he only just became the seeker for Gryffindor. My heart was with Puddlemere United. If I ever brought it up, Ron and I would spend most of our time debatin-, oh who am I kidding, arguing about whose team is better. We are both strong minded about pretty much everything, and Ron didn't like to admit he was wrong, so I kept my mouth closed. I am the smarter of the two of us, and I didn't want Harry to get into the middle of everything.

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