Formed in the Beginning

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The train ride was quite unforgettable.

When we got to Platform 9 3/4, I was amazed, and I had grown up in the wizarding world. Out of all the magical places I had been too, Platform 9 3/4 was the best one.

I had always heard stories about it, but I never saw it. When Chris went to get on the train, I was sick, so I couldn't see it. Now I could. I could see the wonder and beauty that was separated from the muggle world by only a wall, which was a common thing in the wizarding world.

When I crossed that barrier, I didn't know exactly what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't a red and black train surrounded by families. I didn't want to be in that crowd, so I said a quick goodbye to Mr. Crouch and boarded the train in search for an empty compartment. Luckily, I found one, but I alone for very long.

There I was, sitting down looking through my bag for something, I'm not sure what,and the compartment door opened. In came Ronald Weasley and, to my surprise, Harry Potter.

"Hey Sagitta," snickered Ron.

"Hello Ronald," I said with a smirk on my face.

"I thought I told you to call me Ron."

"I thought I told you to call me Charlotte. Drop the act Ron. We've known each other for years."

"You make it sound like we're 50 or something. I just called you that because I know you hate your first name."

"Ron you're so rude. You forgot about introducing your friend, but since I'm nice, I'll do it for you," I said as I turned to the other person in the area."Hello, my name is Charlotte Black. You don't need to tell me your name. I see the scar on your face, so I'm guessing that you're Harry Potter. "

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." Harry responded, taken aback. He didn't say much after that.

People don't know that Harry was shy. He always has been, but they didn't tell you. I bet they told you that he was super outgoing and he liked to rush headfirst into things. That's all made up. That was really describing a person who had all of the traits that Ron and I had. Harry was one of the shyest people in the world. He didn't like to draw attention to himself, and those encounters with Malfoy were just him getting fed up.

"Excuse me, has any of you seen a toad around here." A girl with bushy hair said as the compartment door opened.

"No," I responded politely, because that's what I do with new people.

"I suppose not. You probably don't even know how a toad looks like." She said snootily.

Hold up. You guys might be a little angry and you might think I'm putting fake things down, but I'm not. Hermione was a lot meaner when we first met her. I immediately hated her.

Hermione was a right bitch, and that's why she didn't have any friends. Not to be rude or anything, but it's the truth. I obviously don't feel that about her now. You'll understand later because I'm telling you everything, and they story of me and Hermione becoming best friends is part of it.

After she left I tried talking to Harry and Ron again just to be interrupted by Hermione again.

"Excuse me, there is nowhere else to sit, so can I sit with you guys?" She asked.

I immediately wanted to say no, and this was my chance, but I was interrupted by the most unlikely voice in the compartment, Harry Potter himself.

"Sure, you can sit here. We have enough room," he responded.

Ron groaned when Harry said that. He was very open about his feelings. I, however, had more self control, or really training for encounters like this. Mainly because of Umbrige's ugly mug. I made small talk with her even though I wanted to slap her across the face.

"Hello, I'm Charlotte. What's your name?"

"Hermione. I'm sorry about that rude comment I'd made earlier. I'm a little grumpy because of my lack of sleep."

"It's OK Hermione. I understand what you're feeling." Ron said. It was a bit hard to understand with all the food in his mouth, though. I don't blame him, though, his mum makes the best sandwiches. Anyway, back to Hermione.

Beep! Wrong answer. I knew she was lying then and there. One, from what I can tell, she's a bossy know-it-all that thinks she can fool everyone. Ron and maybe her parents and teachers might believe her, but I don't. Also, another thing about her parents and her know-it-all status probably means she is sheltered. That means she has a bedtime. Probably 8:30. Also, she doesn't sound like the kind of person who doesn't follow the rules, so she is probably in bed an hour early.

That means, she has had plenty of sleep and I can see straight through her, but I don't choose to comment about that.

"I understand, too. I'm sorry that you aren't getting enough sleep. You must've been quite excited for today." I said, a sickly sweet smile covering my face.

The conversation was short-lived. Both my conversation with Hermione and Ron's conversation with Harry were interrupted. We were joined by Neville this time.

Neville was probably one of my favorite people to talk to. I had stayed over at his manor a few times. He was watched over by his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, who is a very strict woman. I wasn't  sure why he isn't taken care of by his parents, but I couldn't really say anything.

"Hello Neville."

"Hey Nev."

"Hi Hermione, hey Charlie."

"Nev, you know how much I hate that nickname. I hate it almost as much as I hate my first name." I said, and I stared pointedly at Ron at the last part.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Neville is one of the sweetest people in the world. He is always shy and clumsy and forgetful, but he is such a sweetheart. I don't like him like that, just so you know. Also, I hoped dearly that he wouldn't get sorted into Hufflepuff. The only thing that I shat with my dearest cousin is our disgust towards the Hufflepuff house. My brother told me they were nice and I have friends who were sorted in Hufflepuff, but I have, and always will not like the idea of a house full of nice people. It puts me on edge. Anyway, back to the past.

"It's OK Neville. I know you're forgetful and you mean well. Anyway, how is that hidden garden of yours?"

"Its looking better and better each day. I even made sure it was being cared for while I'm at school."

"Let me guess, Pibby?"


"Anyway, I see that you have met Hermione. I'm guessing it was your toad that she was helping you look for."

"Yeah, Hermione actually found Trevor. Thanks, Hermione."

"No problem, Neville. Just try to be more watchful."

"I will."

I then realized something. I forgot about the other two people on the room. I'll just introduce Neville to Harry.

"Well, Neville, you know Hermione and Ron. I think you should meet the last person in this compartment. This is Harry."

"Hello, I'm Neville." He said as he turned to Harry.

"I'm Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter! My gran told me about you and what you did. That must've been hard, but you probably don't remember." Neville blurted out, confusing Harry. He didn't comment about that, though.

Soon enough, the train was stopping, and we were all changed into our school robes. I was just as excited as everyone else on this train to experience Hogwarts and make new friends.

Hey, guys, sorry for not updating in a month. Writers block. Usually when I write, I have those urges to just write and I haven't had one of those in a long time. Until like 40 minutes ago. Here's the next part. I'm gonna have only a few chapters about the first three years then I'll go into more depth once they hit the fourth year.



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