Rhythms of the Moon

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>><<^^ Slytherins in their year are the direction of the arrows (No they aren't meant to be quotation marks)

After a night in the Great Hall with the entire school, I decided that I would send a letter to Sirius. What he did was incredibly stupid, and I wanted to tell him exactly that.


Why exactly did you slash the Fat Lady's portrait? The Halloween feast might have seemed the perfect time to get the rat, but you didn't do it right. Thanks to you, I had to sleep on a muggle prison mattress in the Great Hall. Next time you try to get into the common room, plan it out better. I could've given you the password. I could've snuck you in. If you want help, send me a letter. Just call Kreacher and have him give it to me just so the letters won't be read. Do it right next time.



"Yes, mistress?" He asked as he popped in.

"Take this letter directly to Sirius right now. Wait with him until he responds and when he gives you the response, take it directly to me immediately after."

With that, Kreacher popped right back off. I knew that he would do the exact same thing even if I didn't word my demand in that same straightforward way, but I was just trying to be safe. What do those muggles say? Oh yes, better safe than sorry. It makes perfect sense just like a lot of muggle sayings, but wizards seem to think that the muggles lack sense.

The Fat Lady's picture frame was replaced by the frame of an enthusiastic knight by the name of Sir Cadogan. It was nice to see something new, but after awhile, it got annoying.

Sir Cadogan just wouldn't shut up. He was also a bit crazy.

We had a Quidditch game coming up in the near future. Professor McGonagall wanted to keep Harry safe, so she had Madame Hooch chaperone our practice. Wood worked us even more to the ground because our first match was planned to be Slytherin.

Then, Malfoy decided to be the baby he is and told Flint he couldn't play due to his uninjured arm. We were going to play Hufflepuff instead. That didn't change the fact that Wood worked us to the ground. We were still treated like the mud we fell into. I swear, if Oliver didn't plan on doing Quidditch after Hogwarts, he could definitely lead the Aurors. He is great at bossing people around. Of course, he would have to work for that rank, but I don't think it would be much of a challenge with his pedigree and skill.

Anyway, back to the Hufflepuffs. There new, and quite good-looking, captain was a force to be reckoned with. He was also their new seeker, and from the looks of practices that I shamelessly peeked in on, he was pretty good. Not as good as Harry of course, but a worthy opponent.

We will crush the Hufflepuffs and that Quidditch cup will be ours this year.

On the day before the match, everyone was excited. Especially Oliver. He made sure to drill strategy in everyone's minds and he even walked Harry to every class he had.

How gentleman-like. Just kidding. More like drill sergeant-like.

I saw walked a little bit in front of them on the way to Defense. I was almost late, and Harry was late. It wouldn't've been a problem if Lupin was there, but no.

Snape was there. There was a full moon tonight. To top it all off, Snape went off curriculum. Werewolves. I swear Snape is just out to get everyone. He knows that at least one of us will figure it out. He forgets, though, that the person to figure everything out is always Hermione.

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