Broken Windows, Broken Lives

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Christophe was the best big brother that anyone could ask for. He was a Ravenclaw, so he was smart. He was funny. He was nice. And I wanted to be just like him.

He was my role model from day one. We stuck ttogether, since we really didn't have anyone else. He took care of me in a way that no one else did. Or could.

He gave wise advice, even though he was so young. He calmed me down when I had nightmares. He told me stories when I was having trouble sleeping. He spent all day with me when I was sick, even when his condition was just as bad, if not worse, as mine.

When he died, I cried. I'm not going to give you a bull shit story by not admitting that. I loved Christophe as much as anyone could love their older brothers.

Chris was always the sun that took away the dark clouds. He was the rainbow after the rain. He was the greener grass on the other side, but not anymore.

Chris was gone.

His condition was even getting better when he was at school. They gave him phoenix tears mixed into his morning tea. He wasn't much of a fan of pumpkin juice.

He couldn't be saved, they said. It wa too late for anything to help him, but maybe they could still save me.

I started having phoenix tears mixed into everything I drank. I was reluctant, but I know Chris would want me to try. From that day on, every single big decision I mad centered on what Chris would think.

When they sent Chris home from Hogwarts in March, I spent everyday at his bedside. I did everything he did to me, but it was for him.

I read him bedtime stories. I brought his meals to him, even though Kreacher didn't like that. I told him jokes that I learned at school. I told him about my day. I even asked him about Hogwarts.

He told me everything he could. He also told me that he enjoyed my visits and he hopes that this doesn't happen to me.

Everyday, he got worse and worse. Healers and Mediwitches flocking left and right at his bedside. There wasn't much room for me, but I still stayed there. I would stick with my brother til the very end. And then it happened.

It was my birthday. The day before, he told me to make sure to visit him, so he could celebrate with me, but I went in there and he wasn't waking up.

I tried everything. I yelled and screamed and shook him, but his eyes stayed closed. Nothing worked. For about an hour, I was crying and begging for him to wake up, but he didn't.

I didn't remember much after that. Only that Arthur Weasley came into the room, and a ending the catastrophe. He notified St. Mungo's and soon there were about 10 healers surrounding Christophe's bed. They escorted me out of the room, and I blacked out.

I remember being woken up and being told the very news that caused my entire world to crumble.

My brother was dead, and I didn't even get a chance to get a birthday hug from him.

I stopped celebrating my birthday after that.

Part 2 of 3 of the chapters posted. Stay tuned for the next one. Sorry if this is a little short. I wrote more, but it was a little to repetitive, so I cut all of that out. Enjoy.


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