My Country Right or Wrong

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Surprise Surprise. This is for one of my favorite viewers Themissingmarauder. She is always one of the first to read new update, and she favorites every single one of them (even then Author's Notes). If that isn't support I don't know what is. Thanks for being an awesome reader. Love ya.

The rest of the year went by quite smoothly. Well, at least most of it, but we'll talk about that later.

Winter holiday was fun. Hermione and I had gone home (which in itself was a relative term) while Harry and the rest of the Weasleys stayed at Hogwarts. I'm glad Harry did. After telling us about his horrid relatives, I don't blame him at all. I would've invited everyone to spend the holidays with me, but I didn't know what was going to happen, so I refrained. It'll happen one day whether it is up to me or not.

Once I left, I found out that I would be spending time in Russia. Thanks to politics, I would be in a place colder than London because Barty Crouch thought it was a good idea to bring a little girl on a trip that was never supposed to be enjoyable. I absolutely hate snow. Every winter (except this one), we would go somewhere warmer because of my lack of favor to the cold weather. I don't mind rain, though. That is the only forecast in London, so I get used to it. Back to the trip, I'm glad that I didn't invite Harry and the Weasleys.

We got back and discussed our time away. Harry and Ron are obsessed with the Philosopher's Stone, so they went to investigate it. While doing so, they found a peculiar mirror, and they only told me because who knows what Hermione would say about them being in the restricted section of the library. I don't know why they want to know about the stone and the third floor corridor and the gigantic dog there that we stumbled upon back in September. I also don't know why Hermione wants to help Ron and Harry with their obsession. It's got that forbidden feel to it that doesn't seem like something she would associate herself with.

It's their choice.

While they did all of that, I took the time to hang out with a few of my dormmates. You know, the one that are never mentioned (just like me). Anyway, it was just a few of us: Neville, Lucy Fairclough, Cole Fassbender, Georgie Varrin, and Stephen Winter. Their nice to talk to for certain things, and it's a nice break from Harry, Ron, and Hermione's obsession. It's also nice to see that Neville has other friends than Hermione and I. He's still got a long way to go, though, and I feel that it will take more than just me for it. I'm not a selfish person at all. I share when needed.

Currently, we were having a conversation about homework. Mostly Potions and Transfiguration because they had the longest homework assignments. Professors Flitwick and Sprout were a lot more generous with assigning homework. It was just as hard, mind you, but a lot shorter. History of Magic never came up in conversation. Although we did have quite a bit of homework, no one paid attention, so essentially, we had nothing to talk about. Defense wasn't something we worried about. Quirrell sometimes forgot to assign homework and he seemed very preoccupied during class. He was always so tense, and his stuttering was offsetting. It was a bit unnerving. Anyway, back to the conversation.

"Have any of you started on the Potion's essay about the properties of porcupine quills?" Asked Cole

"No, we just got it earlier today. I can't believe we have so much to do. It's only our first day back from holiday." Georgie responded.

"You know how Snape is. He hates us. I don't understand why he teaches. He only likes one fourth of the school." Lucy pitched in.

"If only Professor McGonagall showed us as much favoritism to us Gryffindors as Professor Snape shows to Slytherins. It's not very fair and it's not right." Stephen said.

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