Chapter 36 2215

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Someone jumped down out of the vehicle. Their footsteps echoed on the frozen earth as they came towards me.

"Be careful!" shouted a women, still inside the window. "What is it?"

"Hey, Tanya, Come here! Wait," said the man.


"Someone's here! Their alive!" He shouted excitedly. The lady in the vehicle gasped. I could tell the man was still looking at me, though I could not make out his face. He stood silently for a second as though thinking. Then I felt a cold metal object did into my shoulder. "Intruder!" announced the man. He had a hint of pride in his voice. He sounded young. "Move and I will shoot you!" He told me. "Hey you alright" he added as I flinched in fear.

"Liam, who is there!" Tanya asked. I listened as she jumped down from the vehicle and walked up in front of me. She shone a flashlight in my face. Liam, go get a blanket from the van, the poor girl looks frozen."

I watched as the figure that was Liam walked towards the Vehicle. Tanya stood looking at me for several moments. What is your name", she asked at last.

I did not reply.

A few minutes later, Liam returned. I felt a blanket fall around my shoulders.

"Would you like some water?" Liam asked. He handed me a bottle, and At once, I realized how thirsty I was. I unscrewed the lid eagerly. Then hesitated. I smelled the contents. They smelled of nothing. The liquid swished around enticingly as I moved my hand. I went to take a sip. It's a trick, said the voice in my head. I wanted to ignore it. I wanted to give in, feel the cool water moisten my dry throat. But my hand would not bring the bottle to my lips.

Suddenly, I felt the bottle jerk forward, felt its rim bump into my chin.

"Oops, sorry," Liam chuckled. He continued to try and force me to drink the water, and whatever unknown and toxic substances lurked within. For a moment, I was reminded of Lessons.

I jerked my head away from the bottle. Liam grabbed it as I let go. A look of surprise fell over his face.

"Who are you?" I asked. Perhaps they were a part of the resistants camp. I wanted to believe this was true. But it could have been a trap.

"Who are you?" replied Liam.

"I am 2215," I said hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you. I am Liam, and this is Tanya. You have escaped the military base, I presume."

I nodded.

"Come on then, he said, gesturing to the van.

 "Buckle up," Said Tania, getting into the drivers seat. "Hey Liam, Pour me some of that hot chocolate."

He reached down, and pulled a silver thermos and a bag of Styrofoam cups from the floor in front of him. He filled one of the cups and handed it to her. "Want some?" he asked cheerfully, turning to look at me. I hesitated.

"Pour the girl a cup," Said Tanya. I could tell she was smiling. She took a big gulp of hot chocolate, then set the empty cup in the cup holder that rested between the seats.  She put the key in the ignition and turned. The engine rolled twice before firing up. 

Moments later, Liam handed me a steamy cup of brown liquid. I took it from him, eyeing the contents of the cup hesitantly. It had all been too easy, I thought and not for the first time. It was as though I was supposed to escape. It was as though... But I dared not finish the thought. Instead, I took a small sip from the cup and swished it around in my mouth before swallowing, trying to detect any hint of poison. It tasted very sweet.

As we drove, Tanya and Liam asked me questions about my escape, and about the military base. I hesitated at first, knowing that it could be a trap. Perhaps they were there to bring me back to the base. But somehow that did not fit. They were a lot friendlier than the Directors after all. And they had not used any force or restraint.  After a while, my nervousness began to subside. 

I leaned against the window, staring out across the vast landscape. I noticed that there was no actual road. I half expected us to become stuck in a hole, or tear a tire on a stone. There was minimal vegetation, only the tundra. The barren land stretched for miles and miles, glistening under the sun that was still climbing into the sky.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I gulped down the last of the hot chocolate, then set the empty cup on the seat next to me. In the front seat, Tanya and Liam had also fallen silent.

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