The Malfoys

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"Shut up, honey"

The Malfoy family, as in Lucius, Narcissa and Draco. I'll make an own chapter for Drastoria.

First of all, against a popular belief among the 13 year olds in the fandom, the Malfoys DO love each other! Lucius and Narcissa spoiled their baby rotten and gave him everything he wanted. Narcissa lied to Voldemort's face and they both left the whole fighting just to find their son and make sure he was safe. And for Draco, the main reason he became a Death Eater was to protect his family. Voldemort would've harmed them if he didn't. He did NOT join them because he "was scared of his abusive father". Lucius did NOT abuse Draco. He never did anything to make it seem that way. He may not have been the best father but he never ever harmed his son. Except by spoiling him rotten...

Alright, that's all about their relationship with each other. What about their loyality to Voldemort?

I think they were just basic purebloods, like the Black family, and they liked Voldemort's idea to give all power to them. Who wouldn't like that? But at the end, when Voldemort literally moved in their home, they freaked out. I think then they mostly wanted to get out alive. But they were loyal at some point, that's for sure.

I'm happy how they turned out in the end, sitting in the Great Hall together, as a family.

Summary: They were selfish morons, but chose family at the end, and that's what matters to me.

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