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Credit for the pic goes to allarica from Instagram

Thank you for asking me to do this ship, otherwise I wouldn't have found a new otp T^T

Yeah so you probably figured, I'll give Hedric 8,5/10.

Cedric is such a cutie. My favourite Hufflepuff. His dad is annoying tho.

I also always loved his and Harry's friendship, and when I came to the Harry Potter fandom seeking for Drarry, Cedric was the only other gay I liked Harry with.

I like Cedric better with Harry than with Cho, actually. Harry and Cho are the only ones I ship him with. (I've never even thought about him with anyone else..)

I have read a lot of oneshots and I'm in love. The way Harry descripted and thought about Cedric in the books gives good material for fics. Also you'd need to figure out a way for Cedric to survive... DO NOT KILL HIM THIS SHIP IS FOR HAPPY FLUFFY FICS AIGHT

I think partly I like Hedric because I like shipping Harry with older boys (FEW years older) so he can be the little cinnamon roll.

It also makes sense, they became friends during the Tournament, and helped each other. It's very possible to catch feelings there. It's canon that Cedric was Harry's bi awakening and you can't tell me otherwise. Unless you tell me that he had a kiddy crush on Ron. I'll accept that.

Also I think they would be good for each other. Cedric is a kind and caring Hufflepuff, he would really be able to calm and help Harry if he is stressing over Voldemort and stuff.

Summary: Super cute, please let Cedric live. My mom just read through his death and didn't blink an eye, I'm gonna put her up for adoption

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