Blairon & Pansmione

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5,5/10. Positive-neutral. It can be cute sometimes, but it's not my favourite.


1/10. It's like dramione.

I have no idea why these ships are so popular. Blairon and pansmione are SO random! They barely interacted! And Pansy was a total bitch, why does everyone love her? Okay Draco was a moron too but at least we got to know something about him and that he actually grew to be a better man. The last thing I remember Pansy doing is offering Harry to Voldemort...

It annoys me that in VERY many Drarry fanfics, (and almost in every gacha series, one of the reasons I quit them) there's also Blairon and Pansmione. It makes no sense! Why are they all gays for each other all of sudden? I mean sure, it's your fictional story, but if you want to make them gays why not some ships that actually make sense? Where did you even get the idea to ship Blairon and Pansmione??

Like I said, Pansy is NOT a nice person, and I can't believe Hermione would fall in love with her. Of course, you can make a fanfic that starts in the earlier years and changes something. Or after the war and say that she changed or something, but I don't like it. Also, she never showed any interest towards Hermione, and neither did Hermione towards her.

Pansmione summary: If you love Hermione so much why do you keep shipping her with Death Eaters??

I like Blaise much more than Pansy, because he is pretty much the only nice Slytherin. He is not exactly "nice", but he is pretty civilized. I think he and Ron would fit all right together. Ron, being soft but sometimes hotheaded, would do well with the colder Blaise. Maybe he'll get his heart warmed. It's still a super random ship though.

Don't make them all together in every fricking story, please?

Blairon summary: Honestly kinda cute, but very random. Why??

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