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(While looking for a picture, my phone autocorrected Romione to Dramione and I nearly choked)

*inhales* 919383728109191 / 10

I feel like that's not big enough.

I watched the movies before reading the books, and at first, I kinda shipped Hermione with Harry. But then I read the books. Ginny is a lot better there, so I started liking the idea of her and Harry together. Also, Ron, who is fine in the movies, is THE MOST AMAZING AND SWEETEST AND FUNNIEST CHARACTER EVERRRRRRRRRR (sorry not sorry) in the books, and I started liking Romione.

Fun fact, Ron and Hermione's kissing scene is the only one I can watch without feeling sick! (even though I like it much better in the books)

It's so cute how they're always bickering (like an old married couple), but they also care about each other deeply. And then they were jealous of each other in 4th and 6th books and then finally decide to kiss in the middle of a war. Their bickering was never unhealthy. Hermione liked nagging, Ron was the only one who tolerated that. Harry always just ignored her.

I ship Ron with few others than Hermione too, but nothing feels as perfect and on the place than Romione. That's why it's so perfect in canon, everything just clicks.

By looking at my reading lists, you could think that Drarry is my favourite ship. But that's not how it is. Romione is my life. It's just that I haven't found many good Romione fanfics! And it is canon, and I don't like to change how things are really with them, so... How can you make a fanfic that changes something but doesn't change something??

I love Romione in the actual books. Also if there's cute Romione as a background ship in some other story, I won't complain.

Romione is the best love story in Harry Potter. No, you can not change my mind.

It has 7 books to happen. It's just amazing. People who say they were only friends because of Harry? What the heck. What do you think they did when Harry was in detention? Or in the hospital wing? With Dumbledore or Snape?

They were spending time together! And they even went to Hogsmeade 1 ½ times together! (Harry joined them the second time)

Ron was always defending Hermione. When Snape called her an irritating know-it-all, book!Ron defenced her, saying that if Snape doesn't want an answer, why even ask! And when Draco called her a Mudblood, Ron's first reaction was to cast a spell on him with his broken wand! (I don't have the books in English, I can't give you lines..)

And in the Deathly Hallows, Ron was so sweet and protective over Hermione. He begged Bellatrix to torture himself instead of Hermione. He banged the falls with his fists, almost in tears. And when they got out from there, Ron never leaved Hermione's side when she was recovering.

Oh, and by the way, the books are by the Mr. Oblivious's perspective. There could've been a heavy sexual tension going on and Harry would've been: "Quidditch, What is Malfoy up to, Quidditch, I hate Snape, Quidditch, Ron and Hermione are arguing again, Quidditch..."

Summary: Two cuties who finally understand that they love each other after 7 years. My favourite ship. I love the original one, but there's few cute fanfics as well. THE SUPERIOR HP SHIP!!

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