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(I had a horrible time trying to find a pic that didn't make me throw up)

All the previous ships I have talked about were on the positive side of the scale... This is not.

I'll give dramione 1/10 just because it's not an adult/child relationship. Could be 0/10 you know.

Ok, I'd go on a full rant on how it's sick and wrong to ship bullies with their victims, but... Eh... *hides Drarry behind my back*

I have no idea why. this. ship. disgusts. me. so. fricking. much! Oh but actually I think I have! Might got something to do with the fact that 98% of the shippers are brainless morons who think Draco would be better for Hermione than Ron. If you are part of the 2% that ship it for fanfictions and aus, ship in peace. It's fiction, who cares.

Back to the ship itself. To put it simply, it makes me wanna throw up. I love Hermione, and Draco isn't a horrible character either but I'd rather pair him with Crookshanks than Hermione! (We will not talk about that ship later...)

What is it that so many Drarry shipper HATES Dramione? I understand Romione shippers, they are mature and think bullying is not romantic. But Drarry is honestly not that much better.

To me, it could be because it mixes my two favourite ships, Romione and Drarry. But I feel like Draco x Ron would be... Not pleasant but fine. And I LOVE Ron x Harry. So that can't be the reason.

I don't think dramione makes sense. (again, fanfictions don't need to make sense, but I'll just tell you my reasons)
They HATE each other. Yes, Harry and Draco hate each other too and I (used to) ship them, but it was different. They were obsessed with each other. And Draco wanted to be friends at first. He never wanted anything with Hermione. He admitted Bellatrix it was her. And in the fire, Hermione wouldn't have minded leaving him there. Yes, when Harry thought he was a Death Eater in the Half Blood Prince, Hermione didn't believe that. But so didn't Ron. It didn't mean she wanted to be on his side, it meant she didn't believe Voldemort would've taken a 16-year old as a Death Eater.

Also, I don't think Hermione is the most forgiving person. Could she forgive Draco after all? Maybe...
But in a relationship, would it work? They're both really strict, organized, lonewolf type people. They need someone softer, more emotional, calm and relaxed one with them. (*cough* Ron)

BUT I don't hate people who ship it, because Harry Potter is not real life, it doesn't matter how awful your ship is. ONLY if you say Draco would be better for Hermione than Ron, then I'll murder you. Draco I-want-all-Mudbloods-dead would be better than Ron I-will-protect-you-with-my-life??? Which books did you read?? Oh right, none, movie-watcher -.-

Summary: EW! But ship in peace.

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