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I'll start with Drarry. Probably one of the most popular HP ships there is. And the first non-canon ship I ever started liking (If we don't count Deamus. Deamus it's canon. Fight me)

This used to have a 10/10 from me. Now it's 6/10.

I used to love Draco and I always loved the idea that they will become friends after Hogwarts. Then I found a Drarry gacha life story. I had no idea what was Drarry, but I watched. And fell in love.

For some reason, I always ship "enemies" together. Why? Because I don't think there is a platonic explanation for being so obsessed with someone for years.

What I hate in drarry fics is that most of them make Ron or Ginny an evil homophobic hater. I get it, it makes stuff interesting, and I've actually used mean Ginny in one of my fics too. Just please tone down the hatred a bit, we all know both Ginny and Ron would love Harry no matter what happened. Fiction is fiction but what I mean is to stop hating on them so much! Personally I love the idea that Ron is unsupportive at first, but then apologizes and they find out it was all because he was being an overprotective big brother for Harry.

Still, does Drarry really make any sense? Would Harry be able to forgive Draco after all he has done? Well, I think Harry is pretty forgiving, so maybe. The thing is, they really were obsessed with each other in school. It's fun how Harry noticed everything from Draco's shining skin to his neat, white hair. And then he barely knew other Slytherins' existence.

And you can always write a fanfiction that starts from earlier years and changes something. But I myself prefer the "eight year" or adult ones.

I don't think Drarry would've been good in canon. The relationship needs time, a lot of time. That's why I like the adult fanfics, they seem the most logical. Fanfics can be whatever and still be good, but I wouldn't want Drarry to be canon.

Summary: Pretty great crack ship if you don't go too deep into Draco's toxic character and the canon books.

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