4 TOO MANY ! first kissez

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"Fuck you" I pushed Gus out of my face. I had just came out of the bathroom, helping sky bathe and bumped into Gus in the hallway. "what the fuck did I do wrong Levi?" He said angrily. "What didnt you do wrong you sick fuck." I said rolling my eyes and walking off to find Julian. I walked into the kitchen to see Jules and Julian sitting at the table. "Found Gus, he's in the hallway next to Sky's room. Go get him Julian." I said egging him on to beat the living fuck out of this rat.

Me, Sky and Jules were waiting outside of Gus' house, the taxi was pulled up waiting for us. Julian opened the large front door and closed it softly behind him and let out a sigh. In his thick German accent he said out of breath. "He won't bother you again sweetie." Holding his blooded hand out for Sky. "Fuckin' hell Juulz" Jules said looking at the blood splatters on his white shirt and down his face. "It's fine Jules. He won't bother us again." He said again, this time more firm. We all walked towards the taxi and hopped in. I sat in the back with Sky and Julian, Jules wanted to sit in the front. Jules reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled up fag, and lit it up. "Hey, Nono." The asian taxi driver said, pointing to a no smoking sign. "Yeah yeah sorry" Jules said putting it back in his pocket and falling lazily back into the seat. "Jules you should really quit man. "Julian said. Sky was leaning her head on Julians broad shoulder, Curled up next to him. It was adorable. "come on man give me a break." Jules sighed. "You ok Juless?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. I was sitting right behind his seat in the taxi. He put his hand over mine, I could feel all his cold rings on his fingers touching my skin. "I'll be okay." He gave me a quick flash of a smile and then faced forward again to watch the road. "Alright this is us here man, Thank you so much" Sky said tipping the driver some extra money. "Safe drive home man." Jules patted the drivers shoulder. Me and Julian just waved to the guy and got out. "So this is us for the night?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. It was an old run down hotel. "Guess so" Sky said picking up her bag and heading to the dimly lit office at the front of the hotel building. "Hi, I booked 2 rooms about an hour ago. Sorry it was so short notice." Sky said to the older women sitting at the desk. She sort of looked us up and down in a judgmental kind of way. "You only booked 1 room ma'am." She said grabbing a key from her side. "Sorry?" Sky said confused. "You called an hour ago? under the name Brown?" The women asked coldy. "Yes?" We were all confused. "Yeah, you only booked one room honey." She said handing Sky a number 13 room key. "Okay well, we need 2 rooms can I just book another one right now?" Sky asked, grabbing her purse out her back pocket. "place is fully booked tonight I'm afraid. Enjoy your stay." The women said looking back down at her computer. "Fuck." Sky said kicking her feet on the ground. She turned to us to make sure we approved of her fuck up. "It's alright man, We're all buddies anyways." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"I think we should have the 2 boys in one bed and the 2 girls in the other bed." I said with my arms folded. "But I wanna sleep with Juliannnnnn." Sky said with grabby hands clinging onto Julians shirt. "Ugh fine right Jules you wanna top and tail?" I said grabbing a pillow and putting it at the end of the bed. "Why cant we just share like normal Levi?" He said sniggering at my childishness. "oh shitt...okay." I laughed awkwardly, slowly moving the pillow back to the top of the bed. "Sorry Jules, shes just a pussy virgin right Lev?" Sky laughed and took her shirt off, exposing her black bra to everyone in the room. "fuck you dude" I laughed grabbing my bed shirt out my bag. I went to the bathroom to get dressed, No way in hell I was gonna take my clothes off infront of Jules. I wish I was like Sky, Shes just so pretty & fearless. FUck :( "Alright am ready for bed now!" I said turning off the bathroom light as I came out. I looked over to Sky and Julians side of the room, They were already snuggled into bed together. Her head was laying on his bare chest and he was reading a book in one hand and stroking her hair with the other hand. I looked at Jules in our bed. He had an old shirt on with a cigarette in his mouth about to light it up. He had the blanket half way up his body, I wondered if he had shorts on or not.."Fuck sake Jules don't fuckin smoke in here" Sky said jumping up out of bed and snatching the fag out his mouth. "c'mon, give it back Skeeger." Jules said sitting up in bed. "Not until you promise you wont fucking smoke, You know Yuulia hates when you make the room smell like cigarettes man." Sky said, Arms folded and only in her black panties and bra. "fuckin hell man, Control your girl" Julez rolled his eyes and moved his fingers to tell Sky to give him it back. "Fuck off" She said throwing the cig into Jules bed. "thanks darlin' " He said leaning over looking for the cigarette lost in the bed sheets. He finally found it and I crawled into bed next to him. The heat off his body was radiating onto me, I could feel the hairs on his legs tickling my legs. "Jules?" I said looking up to him. I was laying right down and he was currently still sitting up. "hmmm yeah?" His voice boomed around the room. I loved his deep voice, It was so rough and raw and it made me feel so wonderful inside. "Do you think you'll ever stop smoking?" I said snuggling into the white bed sheets. "Not anytime soon, why?" He said, I could hear the confusion in his voice. "I'm just worried incase you get cancer or somethin'..." I said. "Levi, Even if I did. It would happen for a reason, And when I die I can explore the rest of the universe and see amazing things no other eyes have seen before mine." He said, The words just rolled off his tongue like butter man. LIKE BUTTER. "here he goes again with this fuckin weird ayy lmao shit again. motherfucker believes in aliens" Sky laughed and cuddled into Julians bicep. "Dude we all know their real" Jules said. He was always into that kind of stuff. Sometimes he would write songs about different worlds & creatures of space and wishes he could live there with the aliens. "Well, I think its beautiful Jules" I smiled up at him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you think so." I could see his eyes creep up into a joyful smiling position, but still keeping that monotone voice. "I'm sooo fucking boreddd Yuuuullaaa." Sky yawned and clinged herself onto her German boyfriend. "I know sweetie, Normally we'd be soooooo busy at this time of night. "Julian exaggerated, sliding his hands down the bed sheets, between Skys thighs. "Yuulia..." Sky whispered, laying back in the bed and rolling her head back. "Dudeee gross come on we're all in the same room. Go to fuckin' horny  jail." I said closing my eyes and facing away from Julian and Sky and Faced Jules instead. "Horny jail?" Jules smirked down at me. "Horny j a i l." I repeated this time laughing after saying it. "Oh come on Levi, You're bisexual dude" Sky said, enjoying Julians cold fingers touching all over her body. "Yeah I'm bisexual but you're my best friend dude, It's different." I said. "Yeah bestfriends suck eachothers dicks all the time" Julez said rolling his eyess & giving a deep chuckle to himself. "Jules shut up your homoseccual." Sky snickered "C'mere.." Sky said, I wasnt sure who she was talking to becauses I was facing the wall. "LEVII C'MERE DUDE" Sky yelled over the room. "WHY?" I said in the same tone. "I want you to see this." She said innocently. fuckin hell, I yawned then I quickly got out of the bed, the warmth from Jules large body left me quickly in the cold hotel room. I tiptoed over to Sky & Yuulz bed. "Vhat do you want to show me." I said rubbing my arms to keep myself warm. Sky quickly jumped up and grabbed my arm and pulled me into her bed. "Dude?!" I was confused, trying to sit up but Julian already pinned my arms down. "Julian dude get off me ugh" I rolled my eyes. "Not until you give me and sky a goodnight kiss." 'A goodnight fucking kisss?' I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt more armss on my legs. "Don't forget my kissses too." Jules smirked, holding onto my legs tightly. "FUCKIN HELL FINEEEE." I yelled, annoyed. I was so tired I really couldnt be arsed but they all tried hard to get to this point. "Sky first since shess the best." Julian joked. "haha okAy" My voice cracked. Sky was still sitting on my chest from when she pulled me into her bed. "Gudnight Sky." I rolled my eyes. She leaned in for a kiss. When our lips touched, honestly it felt so natural. Her lips were so soft and they had lip balm on them. We parted lips after a few seconds. "Coconut lip balm?" I asked her smiling. "PERHAPS." She winked and got off my chest and stood next to Julian. "Julian next?" Sky asked kissing Julians cheek encouraging him that she was okay with it. Julian put his hand on the back of my head and brought me to him. When I kissed Julian it felt quite strange.  He is like a brother to me, So it felt like a very taboo kiss. We our lips parted I could see the look on his face, And i'm pretty sure he was thinking the same things I was. "Lame but alright" Jules said shrugging. "You wanna show me better?" I suddenly spoke up, I wanted Jules to kiss me really badly. I needed it so badly... "Jules turn." Julian said letting go of my arms. I sat up on the bed and looked into Jules deep brown eyes. "You dont have to if you dont want to, itss only a dare" I said with my eyes darting around the room. He crawled up on my body, looking down on me. "Its like a joke basically I know it doesnt mean anythin-" I was cut off with Jules lips on mine.  This kiss was alot rougher than the other 2. This one felt like its been waiting desperately. Sloppy kissing and teeth clashing Jules suddenly laid me back on the bed while we were still kissing, I could feel his hands on my body going up and down my waist, following all the curves. I combed my fingers through his messy brown mullet and he started to take his belt off. I parted lips with him. "WOAH hold on-" He put his lips back on mine. "Jules get off her dude" Sky grabbed his shirt from the collar. Out of breath he gets off me and wipes the side of his mouth. "Fuck...Im....im really sorry Levi, I just wanted that to happen  for so long." He said fixing his shirt and combing his fingers through his choppy hair. I was startled, and stuttered. "I..itsss okay" I smiled a toothy smile and fixed my clothes and got off the bed. "You guys alright? That was just getting heated" Julian said patting Jules back. "Listen I'm gonna go outside with Jules for a while, Let him chill out alright girls?" Julian smiled and his blue eyes glimmered in the light coming from outside the windows. The 2 boys walked out the room and closed the door behind them. Me and Sky sat in silence for a few seconds then we turned to eachother and held eachothers hands and both screamed. "OMGGGGGG CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED??" I was so happy. "DUDE I MADE OUT WITH JULES" I jumped up and down on her bed. "I KNOW RIGHT HOLY FUCK DUDE THAT WAS GAY AS HELL BUT AMAZING AS HELL" She said, she was also now jumping up and down on the bed "holy fuck dude, I feel so amazing right now. You wanna go get some drinks from the hotel bar?" I said grabbing my coat off the end of the bed. "SURE THANG" She said grabbing her socks and shoving them on as fast as she could. "Maybe we can find Jules and Julian and ssee what theyre talkin' about" I joked heading to the door. "HELLLLL YEUH" Sky laughed, giving me a peck on the cheek as we were leaving. "Homo" I said pushing her shoulder and we both started laughing as we walked down the hotel hallway together, arm in arm. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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