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Thursday/Levi's POV



Mornin' yuulz, You mind if me and sky come watch your practice today?



Why? : (



Because, Sky loves you and wants to support you. We're gonna drop by and watch nonetheless, See you then bro <3 :D, tell Jules I said GOODMORNING



I don't think I can talk to her yet....


I looked down at my phone, at those words. I'd never seen Julian like this before...He was always so positive about everything...It was making me worried.

"I hope toast is okay for breakfast" I smiled over the breakfast table to Sky, Face down looking into her phone. "Why wont he call me back Levi?" She said, looking up at me with red, sleepless eyes. "Dude, he has practice today, We're gonna see him, and Jules. Dont worry." I said, buttering the toast and putting the slices in the middle of the table. "Please trust me Sky, He'll eventually understand." I said putting on my best facade. "But what if he doesn't forgive me Levi...What if he just hates me forever, What if we never get back together? Im such a dumb bitch, I cant do anything right" She continued on, battering herself down. Every little wrong in her life, she blamed it all on herself. Her parents being controlling, She blamed it on herself. "Listen to yourself Sky, This isnt like you. You know you arent a cheater. People can take advantage of your emotions, without you even realising." I was speaking my mind, This is all the things I always wanted to tell her. "Thanks Levi, Honestly man I don't know what I'd be like without you..." She said nibbling into her toast. Slow, little bites. "C'mon, Lets get you dressed up for this soccer game" I winked at her, Rubbing her back. I will make sure they end up back together, No matter VHAT IT TAKES.

"YOUR CAR IS SICK AS HELL SKY" I screamed laughing as we drove 100MPH down the freeway towards Julians game. "I KNOW DUDE, I FUCKING LOVE ITTTTT" She yelled, windows down, Hair blowing everywhere, the sunshining into our eyes. I could see it, On the next exit, The soccer field. "Damn, that was face we're here already" Sky said, Putting her blinker on and driving towards the grassy field. We pulled up next to Jules little rover, He wasnt inside but I did see all his CD's still where I left them before. "jesus, will he ever wash that damn car out, I've known that fucker for 3 years and that car hasnt changed since the day he got it" Sky said rolling her eyes and grabbing her water bottle. "Ikr, tho its kind of cute" I admitted. "you have a thing for Jules? BRUH he looks like a fuckin sewer R A T." She said laughing. "OKAY WE HAVE A DIFFERNT TASTE IN MEN SO WHAT ; (" I said, feeling suddenly awkward. "Chill Levi, I respect that, Hes just not my type. Does he know you like him?" She said winking and poking her eblow into my side. "umm...I dont think so, I...I dont really want him to know, Its kind of weird I guess." I pulled an awkward childish face. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and red...Jesus christ. "Alright, your secret is safe with me." She said, once again winking at me. "STOP WINKING AHAHHA" "I CANT HELPPP IT, I'm in such a good MOOD MMMM" Sky said, locking her Audi behind us.

"Yo, Jules!" I called out, I could see him from half way across the sitting area, He stood out like a sore thumb. Leather jacket, Dad jeans, Cowboy hat, unwashed hair, black blocky sunglasses...why did I crush so hard on him. "Ahhh, theres Leve and Sky, Didnt think you girls would show up." He said raising his eyebrows. "Of course we'd come." Sky said coldly, Poor Jules LOL. "Ok you two, Id like you to meet someone soon" Jules said, This was strange for Jules. He never really had many friends, and when he did have friends we never saw them. "Um, Sure" Sky said sitting down. I sat down next to her, She rested her head on my shoulder as we waited on Julian to come out and practice.

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